Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Winter Wonderland

I hope this works! I'm using my 10yo computer right now. The computer my dad and brother put together 5yrs ago was attacked big time last night and I had to take it to my friend for her husband to fix it.

Let's hope I can get my photos on here tonight and find my linky!!

I live in MN. The snow you see in these photos...yah, it'll be here until April, unless we have an unusually warm March, which is typically snowiest month. The snow...it NEVER leaves in the winter. EVER!!

Make sure you check out these other participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, Moody Mama Says, and
Carrie With Children.


  1. I wish our snow was gone by April! I'm in Alberta, Canada and ours is here until at least the end of May.
    Reality is setting in....brrrrr.
    Great photos though, I hate it when computers go to the doctor! Hang in there!

  2. What determination. Looks like you had some snow too, huh?

    Happy WW! Have a good one!

  3. Brrrr!! That's a lot of snow!!

    Happy WW!

  4. Wow! I couldn't stand having snow around that long! We've had two snowfalls since winter started and they're calling for a third thursday but im REALLY hoping not! LOL

  5. We don't want that much...for nearly that long, but it's always fun to get a bit in GA!

  6. Wow, that is a ton! It is very pretty, but I'm glad I live here-where we rarely get any snow at all.

  7. Now THAT is some snow! I love snow pics at night. It always looks so peacful. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Beautiful shots! Now can you please send some our way? Princess Nagger is really wanting some playable snow... ;)

    WW: Guardian Mask

  9. Gorgeous! I'm in Florida so we don't get to see that kind of winter beauty so often :)

  10. So gorgeous and dreamy from where I'm at... but then I'm sitting outside in 70 degree weather! :)

  11. I just love winter snow and it never seems like we ever get enough of it. 2 inches here, an inch there.

  12. It's really beautiful! I really miss the snow!

  13. Wow! You guys get a lot of snow. Luckily our snow usually doesn't stay around long since we have cold spells followed by warm spells. It always looks so pretty though with the snow on the ground!

  14. I do not envy you having all that snow. We get a little here and there but it usually melts quickly.

    Thank you for linking to me on this post. You're too sweet!

    Happy WW!

  15. Beautiful pictures. I love the snow. I would love it all year!

  16. I live in Northeast Pennsylvania and I can honestly say snow is pretty...when it's at someone else's house.

  17. Ours isn't quite as bad here, but already SO over it.

    Hugs & love,

  18. We are forcasted to get snow and Ice this afternoon. just hope it don't get bad on the roads. I am following your blog, you are welcome to follow mine as well Blessings jane

  19. Beautiful shots! Don't envy you though!! LOL!


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