Friday, February 18, 2011

Are You ONLY A ReTweeter?

twitter-logo Is anyone as crazy about Twitter as I am? I actually joined a couple years ago, but didn’t really start using it until last March when I created my Marvelous Mom Reviews site. Then as summer was ending I started seeing Twitter parties! Oh my…

There’s so much I love about Twitter.

  • Instantly connecting with thousands of people
  • Parties
  • Encouraging someone else who’s Tweeting
  • Parties
  • Sharing my giveaways
  • Parties
  • Finding other giveaways

I kind of like Twitter parties. That’s where I typically connect with other Tweeters.

From those parties I usually end up following 3-4 people. I check my email after the party and see I have new followers, too. Unfortunately, amongst the followers I met at a Twitter party or just from a chat, I have followers who find me out of the blue or are retweeting my giveaways.

Do you enter giveaways where they ask you to Tweet their giveaways like I ask you to do? Are those the only Tweets that you typically tweet? Are you looking to build your Twitter peeps? If you want to increase your Twitter Followers, I’d really like to encourage you to do more than RT a giveaway or someone else’s Tweet.TweetIf you aren’t adding your own Tweets or chatting with other people, I won’t be following you back. Don’t get me wrong. I totally get why you have a Twitter account because it gives you more opportunities to win giveaways and who doesn’t want more chances? RTing someone else’s tweet just isn’t original.

I do the same thing though. If I see a tweet that inspires me, makes me giggle, or makes me think, I’m happy to share it with my followers. If I’m entering a giveaway, you better believe I’m going to use the Twitter option. You’re not alone there!

But, and this is a big BUT, I really love connecting with people on Twitter. Sometimes someone tweets something totally off the wall and I’ll let them know how much I appreciate their weirdness. Other times it’s just a random tweet that catches my eye and I want to respond to it. There are so many reasons to tweet with other people. But if all you do is retweet, then maybe we weren’t meant to be Tweeps.

I really hope you want to find some great people on Twitter to connect with and don’t use it solely to enter giveaways. It’s so much more than that and I think you would get so much more out of it than you already are! I dare you to try it out and see what happens.

Do you follow just anyone or do you check out their tweets first?


  1. I'm the same way, I'm not a Tweeple collector. I want to talk to people and exchange ideas. I do retweet if it's funny, interesting or thought provoking but I also talk to people. Twitter is, for me, more than a platform for advertising and entering contests. And, yes, I do routinely cull the people I follow and unfollow if they don't tweet or only retweet for the purpose of entering contests.

  2. Hi, Mimi;

    Great to know about tweeter and how you feel about it. I'm still learning and I appreciate you sharing what you did.


    Nora "D

  3. every once in a while i go and do a bulk following of people through a twitter party of something but I weed down as time goes on. I do like retweeting other peoples messages, not so much giveaways though.


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