Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Ice Fishing Competition



An explanation for those of you who have never seen this phenomenon. There’s an ice fishing competition happening on Maple Lake. So everyone drives out onto the lake (like its NO BIG DEAL), sets up their fish house or a bucket, and then they try to catch the biggest fish. Yep, those are porta potties on the lake. Yes, the lines and lines of cars are ALL going onto the lake. Yes, there was a fire department there in case someone (or the entire fishing town) went into the water. Those items in the red holder are ice augers. Sometimes when the ice is too thick you have to power drill through it. Of course, there was the polar bear plunge that took place in that cut out piece of ice. NO thanks is what I say.

Make sure to check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, That Bald Chick, and Mom Spotted.


  1. Wow, those are some huge shacks! And you wouldn't catch me there either, can you imagine how cold that is to use the potty? lol

  2. People set up here on a still section of the CT River. They are nuts.

  3. Oh, so ice fishing is a big deal by you! I'm in Wisconsin and we see people on the lakes here all the time. Honestly, it looks like the LEAST fun thing EVER. But then again, I'm not a fan of the cold. Or fishing. Or standing above a hole in the ice that I could fall into.

  4. Looks like crazy fun times there in the cold!

  5. looks fun but that would definitely be my least priority :)

  6. That is so crazy...yet, I'm very intrigued by it. I would never do it myself but to each his own!

  7. there is a whole lot of ice fishing going on around here these days too... not by me though. I hate the cold!

  8. A polar bear plunge? No thanks!

    Those pictures just make me cold...brrr!

  9. brrrrr Not for me!!!! Reminds me of scenes from the movie "Grumpy Old Men" . . .

    Thanks for hosting the linky . . . come by and link up to mine too :)


    Have a wonderful Wednesday . . . Gina

  10. Wow! Pretty cool! That is one thing I've never seen/done. But I'll stay down here where it doesn't get that cold....

  11. As a kid I loved it. Now? I prefer to hibernate :)

  12. Our family loves to fish, fresh water and ocean fishing. We've never tried ice fishing; alas, no snow in Cali. Thanks for the cool pictures!

  13. that looks so fun, but i would be terrified that the ice would break, especially with all those cars on it

  14. Brrrrr! Seeing people driving on the frozen lakes and rivers was one of the huge surprises I had a Southern Girl moved up North! Popping over from Flip Flops & Pearls to say Happy WW!

  15. Bet you all had fun! :> But, I think I'm going to go turn my heat up now! :> Hopped here from Alicia's A Beautiful Mess!

  16. I don't know about that stuff it even sounds too cold! Cool pics though. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

  17. I have never understoon this ice fishing things. Kroger sell perfectly good fish that I don't have to freeze my a$$ off for!

    Hugs & love,

  18. They do this in MI too -- Always said, NO, Thank you!


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