Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: My Snow Hero

Ok, the snow we had here Sunday-Monday was CRAZY and the drifts were even worse. I tried shoveling when I got home from work Monday evening to no avail. Took me almost an hour to do about 1/4 of my driveway. So, along comes my hero, my neighbor with his Bobcat. I didn’t want him to know I was taking photos of him for today so they didn’t turn out so great! LOL It took him about 3 minutes to do my driveway.


IMG_5319A big shout out to my neighbor who has made my life so much easier this year!! You Rock!

Make sure to check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, Empowering Mommy, and The Frugal Free Gal.


Marice said...

how nice to have a neighbor like that :)

Marni's Organized Mess said...

How adorable!

Come over and say hello sometime! Or, come to win of my giveaway's; Rockin' Green Detergent, Baby Bond Nursing Cover (great gift idea too!), or Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves. They all have more than a week with very low entries!

I'll be giving away a few cloth diapers soon, too!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

How great that he owns a Bobcat! And will help! Maybe a plate of cookies would say thanks.

Becky said...

What a wonderful neighbor!

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

What a cool neighbor! We don't exactly have the best relationship with our neighbor...if there was a snow plow in our front yard, it would be because our neighbor would be shoveling INTO our yard! :)

Kristin said...

It's always nice to be close with neighbors. That storm was brutal, eh?

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Wow, that's quite a tractor!

We have a wonderful neighbor who sometimes does ours with his blower; neighbors can certainly be a blessing!

Hope you baked them some cookies from the warmth of your house since you didn't have to shovel :)

Veronica Lee said...

How lucky of you to have such a great neighbour!

Happy WW!

nomo wino daph said...

How sweet!! I can NOT believe all that snow, mercy!

You need to come link up over at my blog for {semi} wordless wednesday-

Have a great day!

Dee said...

I'm gonna say it again, I'm SOOOO glad I don't live where it snows!

Liz Mays said...

Your neighbor totally rocks! You'd better be baking him something delicious!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel would love to watch the bobcat work.

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Wow think how much time it would have taken you to do that! He got it done in only 3 minutes? I think he deserves cookies :)

We don't have to shovel snow here, thank goodness, and none of our neighbors have bobcats lol, so I'd be doing it myself!

Lisa Noel said...

hubby would be jealous. he shovels us by hand all by himself.

Amber @ The Mom Road said...

That is a good neighbor!

WheelchairDecor said...

We have a hero that digs us out also...so grateful for these folks!
Thanks, Becky Jane

Gina Alfani said...

Hey Mimi . . . Happy Wordless Wednesday :)

You have an awesome neighbor!!

Come by and link up to my WW linky and check out the Cool Canines!

Gina's Wordless Wednesday

Have a wonderful Wednesday . . . Gina

Mimi said...

How nice to have someone so kind!

Hugs & love,

XmasDolly said...

Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment. Wow, You do have a really nice neighbor! We had that last week, but now it's raining & I even saw some lightening! Crazy mixed up weather!

Ascending Butterfly said...

Lucky Girl! What a Great Neighbor! :)

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

I know we've talked about this before... good neighbors with snow plows, blowers, bobcats and the like are INVALUABLE and such a blessing!

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.