Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Score…2 Points!


Buddy is in the red jersey standing above the kid laying on the ground. Yes, the ball made it in!! He gets a couple every year.

Make sure you check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, My Organized Chaos, and My Wee View.


Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

Wow!!! I'd say that was a great shot, how great to get a photo too!

Faythe said...

my guys loved to play sports too. I miss watching them play. Go score ;)

Marice said...

wow great job!

alicia said...

Great pic. Thanks so much for stopping by. How have you been?

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Good on him for making the shot. It must mean he's a better ball player than I ever was!

Anonymous said...

Great photo capture.

Little Hatchlings said...

that's a great shot...picture and bball...LOL!

Felicia said...

Yay for Buddy!!

Liz said...

Great capture.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

what a shot -well done !
Happy WW

Dominique @Dominique's Desk said...

That's a great shot.. great aim.
Happy WW

Anonymous said...

How fun! He can show this to family and friends!

Anonymous said...

He will cherish that photo - Great moment!

Doll Clothes Gal Pal said...

Future NBA stars right there. :)

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Hurray for him. Isn't it exciting when you can capture 'that' moment?!?

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Awesome to capture the moment.

Liz Mays said...


Emilie said...

Awesome shot! Glad he isn't the kid on the ground! :)

Thanks for stopping by and happy WW!
Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama

LadyD Piano said...

Nice action shot!

Dee said...

That is sooo awesome!

Kelly~ Wave of Life Surf Studio said...

Shoot & score~ great shot! Hi, I am your newest follower via the linky & would love it if you stopped by and followed me back :)


Unknown said...

Nice shot, congrats!

Laura J Harrison said...

New follower.
Stop by

Apryl said...

Way to go, Buddy! Love the action shot with the ball in mid-air!!

My Wee View said...

nice action shot!!

:) I'm terrible at catching the "moment" looks like you are really good at it!

thanks for sharing your WW

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

How fun! I recently started going to my nephews basketball games and they are so exciting!

Thanks for coming by today.

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.