I’m not sure if you and your family runs into drama at dinner time or if it’s only me. The first thing that happens when I start dinner is my boys want to know what we’re having. Not just out of curiosity, but because they are going to try to figure out if they’re going to like dinner or not.
Thankfully when we have Barber Foods Seasoned Selects the drama is at a dull roar. The complaints typically come from the side dishes.
So, what kind of drama am I talking about? Not the fun and amusing kind. More like my 7you throwing up because he’s thought about the food in front of him for so long he’s psyched himself out.
When I decided to make the Simple & Delicious Angel Hair Pasta featured as a side dish at Barber Foods, I figured there’d be drama involved. Guess what? There wasn’t. My 11yo isn’t a noodle eater so I didn’t even offer it to him, but my 7yo, the puker, scooped a spoonful onto his plate. To say I cringed would be putting it mildly.
I mean, hello, it had tomatoes and spinach in it!! Green and red colors in noodles. This was not going to go well. frozen, cooked, and eaten
Get this, the puker ate it ALL. Ok, he neglected to scoop up the tomatoes, but he ate the spinach with NO drama! I kept telling him how proud I was of him with every bite I took. My boys are starting to see that if they try something and don’t like it, that’s ok. It’s the fact that they even try something that makes the difference.
Check out Barber Foods recipes section of the site for a complete list of succulent side dishes and sauces here: http://bit.ly/aLqEKY
*As a side note, these make fantastic meals for college students. My daughter can take them out of the box and stick them in her little mini-fridge freezer.
Here’s your opportunity to win a $25 Grocery Gift Card.

Required: Tell me about your own last-minute dinner drama.
Giveaway open to US residents only 18 yrs or older. Please leave your email in the required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 4/2/11 at 11:59 PST. Winner has 48 hours to respond.
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I’d like to thank Barber Foods for sending me products to try and a gift card for purchasing ingredients for my side dish. The opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.
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entered Maybelline SuperStay Lipcolor 3/28
My latest dinner drama was with my 1 year old - we had a late dinner that was so late it was already past her normal bed time. I gave her some pizza and she knocked the plate on the ground and started crying:( She was put into her crib and fell asleep within 2 mins! sheshult@Hotmail.com
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swim team three nights a week means dinner must be done in 20 minutes or less.
My last minute dinner drama is always about getting my middle child to finish his dinner. When he doesn't like something, he's stubborn enough to sit in front of his plate for hours.
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I browned chop meat and was boiling water to make spaghetti with meat sauce. I went to the cabinet to get a jar of spaghetti sauce and there was none. My daughter used it when she made mozarella sticks. I had to have my husband run out to get a jar. Thanks!
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One of our dinner dramas recently was when we didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping and not having much in the house, we ended up having cereal for dinner. The kids thought it was great.
Thanks so much.
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What if I don't have any last minute dinner drama? Kid is grown and on his own, when he was home he was always a good eater.
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the last big one was an arbys wrapper with the metal in the microwave being heated up
I tried to make some chicken casserole and it came out super chewey because I was trying to tend to my 3 month old as well as cook and it was a disaster. Had to get pizza when hubby came home!
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My dinner drama is getting DH to eat his PEAS! tracietrump@yahoo.com
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My last minute dinner drama involved a meeting that ran way late, leaving me no time at all to get to the grocery store with hungry kids at home waiting. We ended up having Hot Pockets - not something I'm proud of!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
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My last drama was 5 days ago when the grill ran out of gas half way through cooking the chicken. The meal was ruined and we had to order take out
My last minute dinner drama involves me not having a clue what to make for dinner!
dwellenstein at cox dot net
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We were stranded at the airport during inclemet weather, and the food court was closed, so we had to get soup and candy bars out of a vending machine for dinner.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
My last dinner drama was when I dropped my baked chicken on the floor.
My last minute dinner drama was when I was working, had to pick up DD from track practice (late), rush home for her to shower and change and get ready so I could run her back to school for her choir concert... dinner? necessary to be sure... time - nope!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
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I am always running out of time for dinner. I work till midnight and never feel like cooking!
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
I remember burning an UNO'S pizza.
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My drama is when the power went out halfway through cooking.
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A few Thanksgivings ago we put the frozen turkey on a high shelf in the garage to thaw. Our big dog sleeps in the garage. We were sure the shelf was high enough. Well, Thanksgiving morning we went to get the turkey and there was nothing left except scraps of plastic and pieces of bones! Our dog had eaten the turkey!! So we ended up having just side dishes for Thanksgiving! lol! ;)
My dinner drama would be to get my son to eat my cooking lol =)
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With baseball games almost nightly these would be perfect for a quick good meal
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My last minute dinner drama was when my soon to be parents in law were coming over for dinner and I thought I would get smart and make beef wellington..needless to say it turned out horribly my now husband had to run get take out! Yikes!
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My latest dinner drama was when my container of spaghetti exploded in the microwave. Sauce everywhere...not fun.
For Christmas one year I cooked frozen pie in the microwave. Guess it would have been okay except it was in a foil pie plate.
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dinner drama - you think you got everything together and then you find out that one ingredient you have forgot to buy...
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After slaving over the hot stove all day at work, I have to come home and made dinner, My 11 yr. old loves Spaghetti and Meatballs,which by the way, I always make the sauce and meatballs from scratch...anyway, after all of this she says "I decided I don't like Meatballs anymore"...huh?
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My last-minute dinner drama was when my father-in-law and his wife were visiting and I made lasagna, garlic toast with parmesan cheese, and chocolate cheesecake for dessert. I had completely forgotten that my father-in-law HATES cheese, so we went and bought some KFC for him.
Alicia Webster
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Mine was tonight! We ended up having french fries, chicken nuggets, and salad.
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We live in the sticks so if I don't check to see if we have everything we need before I start cooking we have a drama, and it happens quite often. There are no stores for 15 minutes, or at least one that is open past dark. Lol. I have made some pretty gnarly stuff in the past trying to substitute other things we were missing. lol. Not my specialty obviously.
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My dinner drama happens when someone suddenly remembers they have to be somewhere in 30 mins and we have to rush around figuring out what we can make QUICK and still make it there!
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Just as I was about to prepare dinner, the washer overflowed. It would have been a good time to have some Barber products in the freezer.
Entered your Vaseline Intensive Rescue giveaway.
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My last minute dinner drama was when my sister planned a family get together at my house without mentioning it to ME!
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My last minute dinner drama is ith their friends and not having enough for everyone.
hebert024 at aoldot com
Dinner drama - oops one time I used cayenne pepper instead of paprika on the potatoes!
Thank you.
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