Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Metro Dentalcare Twice A Day Challenge & MN Twins Tickets Giveaway

Metro Dentalcare Brushing my boys teeth hasn’t been TOO much of a challenge. Routine is the key for us. Sometimes even then it’s not always done and rarely done correctly.

Metro Dentalcare has given us the opportunity to get this teeth brushing down a bit better. We’ve come home numerous times from the dentist with those colorful little sand timers. Sand timers that I could fill a sandbox with considering how they’re never used. Great idea, but never put into practice.

We received a fantastic tooth brushing package in the mail that included an ingenious toothbrush. You press the bottom of the toothbrush and brush away until it stops blinking. The first night was kind of amusing. My 11yo said he didn’t really like the toothbrush. I asked him why and he said because it blinks too long before he can spit! heh heh hehDental Challenge
I explained to him that he could spit anytime he needed to. The point was he just had to keep brushing after he spit.

Now, let’s talk about the boys routine. They are supposed to brush 2x a day; once in the morning and once before bed. I would have to say 80% of the time both are done. Sometimes they aren’t ready for the bus and run out the door without their pearly whites being cleaned. Bedtime I always remind them, but on the way down to bed they distract themselves with rough housing.

I’m not alone in this, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one whose kids start monkeying around and tooth brushing is forgotten.

I do the toothbrush test also just to make sure it’s being done. When I get ready for work I go brush my teeth and check to make sure the bristles of the boys brushes are wet. If I find them dry, I make sure I explain to the boys how vital brushing is. I’m a broken record at this point, but it’s too important to stop talking about it.

The biggest challenge for my boys is flossing. They have a hard time with it and I have to admit, I don’t make the time to help them floss. It’s really a coordination thing. It’s a tricky thing to learn  but a lot more fun especially with the new, and cool, picks that are out.

Now, with all that’s been going on in my life lately, I haven’t gotten this post up soon enough to get the word out about the challenge and the giveaway. The giveaway ends on April 1st and that’s no joke.

You can find Metro Dentalcare:
What you could win: A set of Twins four-packs to two lucky blog commenters during the challenge (and again, one adult and one child Sonicare toothbrush).
Required: Leave a comment letting me know about your teeth brushing habits for you or your kids.
Giveaway open to US residents only 18 yrs or older. Please leave your email in the required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 4/1/11 at 11:59 PST. Winner has 48 hours to respond.

I was sent a tooth brushing kit for the boys and have the opportunity to win tickets to the MN Twins.


  1. Hi! No, you're not the only one to have monkeying around interfere with teeth brushing! My five year old always figures out something else to occupy his time when I send him down to brush his teeth. Sometimes I find him just looking in the mirror singing a song! Brushing his teeth is always a struggle!!


  2. VIA Dentist orders, the kids brush their teeth in the AM on their own- no assistants from my hubby or I. In the PM the kids start off brushing then us parents really get in their mouths and do a good cleaning. We floss and use ACT also in the PM.

  3. Anyone who would like to participate in the challenge and would like a free package sent to their home with a Firefly toothbrush and other fun items can e-mail me at ameyer@amdpi.com. Please be sure to include how many kids you have, their ages and genders.

    April Meyer
    Metro Dentalcare marketing and communications

  4. we brush here twice a day at least.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  5. We have been flossing my older two boys teeth for some time now. It is a pain as it is an extra step at night, but hopefully it helps prevent cavities. It is kind of gross too. At 3 and 6 they can't do it themselves so I have to reach my hand into their mouths. Ick!


  6. We make brushing a family event. In the morning my 4-year-old daughter and her mom brush and at night her and I brush and floss! She loves feeling like a "big person" in the bathroom with us, and for us it's five more minutes every day of 1-on-1 time!

  7. My 4-year-old daughter brushes with us. In the morning, her mom does her hair and then the two of them brush their teeth. And at night, after I help her change into pajamas we brush and floss. She loves it because she gets to feel like an adult; we love the 4-5 extra minutes of 1-on-1 time we get with her every day!

  8. My kids have to remind me about brushing at bed time. They're really good about brushing on their own but when I slack off, they are the first ones to jump on the bed and wake me up to get me to make sure that I haven't forgotten. They're really serious about keepting their teeth cavity free and so far so good!

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