Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (NOT): The Joke My Daughter Played

Ok, so the following photos are of my oldest daughter. This was her prom 2 yrs ago. Prom in MN is in April, and it’s still stinkin’ cold in April. These girls were freezing to say the least!

My next daughter “should” be going to prom this year, but isn’t interested. So, here’s what she did to me.

Smoochie called me over the weekend and told me something to this effect:

Hi, I know you called me a while ago and wanted to know about prom. “K’s” boyfriend’s brother asked me to go and I said, “yes.” His mom has already bought the prom dress and it’s pink, but I love it. So, yah, I just wanted to let you know.

I get this message at work, while on my 10 minute break. I wanted to scream in excitement. I called her immediately and squealed as quietly as possible. She told me to hang on a second. What? Contain my excitement?

She came back to the phone and I told her how excited I was over and over. Then she says to me,

I was joking.

I was like, “What?” paused soaking this information in. “For real?”

I could NOT believe she had totally bamboozled me! Of course when she said she liked the pink dress, that should’ve been my first tip off that she was lying. But I’m a mom who hopes. I hope she will not miss her one and only prom. I could care less if she wore a neon dress with flickering lights on it. I think she’s going to regret it when she’s older. I had only grabbed on to that thin thread of hope that she had changed her mind.

I guess I was wrong.

I have to admit, I laughed my butt off after it sank in that she still wasn’t going. That was the first time she’s ever pulled a prank on me and she did it stupendously. My hat is off to my daughter.

So, in honor of my daughter NOT going to prom, I thought I’d show you photos of my Baby at her prom.


IMG_9125Check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, Baby Loving Mama, and 3 Kids and Us.


  1. ahah how cute! she did a great job! LOL!

  2. What a joke! I've never played pranks before but that was a good one.

  3. thank good ness huh. that was funny. She looks beautiful.

  4. What a pretty dress! And that sounds like something I would have done to my mom.

  5. What a cute prank. Your other daughter looks lovely at Prom. My teenage daughter has been to prom once and plans on going again before she graduates. My 16 year old step-daughter, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with any school function that requires a dance and a dress. I feel for ya.

  6. She better not try that with an engagement!

    PS. I didn't go to my Senior prom and I still don't regret it.

  7. I'm sure she won't regret not going. How can you miss something you never experienced? Not everyone goes to the prom.

  8. lol funny! Love the color of her dress, she looked great!

  9. I don't think I'm ready for my little one to try to pull pranks on momma... :) wow!
    Your daughter's dress is gorgeous! Love the color!

  10. Thanks for stopping by & re: your comment my daughter has to drive 2 hrs. round trip. 1+1 and she does it once a week. Now, tell your daughter for me I missed my prom & it's very true you do regret it. If she doesn't want to go with a boy - go with a bunch of friends & hang out. Who cares! If anyone says anything tell them is she's breaking tradition & having fun! She doesn't have to impress anybody, they do! LOL Mom, let her pick her own dress! PINK? Nahhhhh Maybe she's more of a blue or purple kind of girl!

  11. Oops, your other daughter is completely gorgeous & love all the smiles!

  12. Moms always get excited of that kind of stuff, it our jobs. No daughter here, just boys. Great pictures of your other daughter.

  13. My high school boyfriend dumped me senior year so I didn't go to prom. It still makes me so sad. I hope she changes her mind. If it's lame she can always leave, but if she doesn't go, she'll never know.

    Hugs & love,

  14. LOL Funny. Kids can be so mean to their parents. :-)

  15. I went to my prom and personally wish I had been strong enough to just declare I'm not going, I thought it sucked quite frankly! I think I'd get along great with your daughter, I'm not so fond of the color pink either! ;)

  16. i like her blue dress, very pretty. Sabreena is only a freshman but I think she's already missing out on things like homecoming, sports, dances. Hope she opens her mind a little


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