Sunday, April 10, 2011

B Kind 2 Earth Day With The NWF, Nickelodeon and

B Kind 2 Earth Day Ok, so I’ll come out and say it. I’ve never done anything for Earth Day (I’m ducking). No flinging anything at me. I love planet earth. I mean, I live here, you know? I try and do my part by recycling, turning off the water when I brush my teeth, only lights on in the rooms we’re in, etc.

Now, I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say I think so many people think Earth Day is only for tree huggers, vegetarians, or people who ride out on boats to stop whales from being killed.

Taking care of planet Earth is so much more than that.

I like to look at it from a Christian perspective. God gave us this world to nurture and take care of. Adam was put here for a purpose, and so were we. If we take care of the planet we’ve been given, we will receive so much back from it: clean water, plants that are healthy to consume, landscapes that take our breath away, and the vastness of the water and terra firma that are safe for our kids to play in and on.

So, what’s up my B Kind 2 Earth Day sleeve?

That’s where I’m stumped. I’m not sure what we’ll do in our little neck of the woods. My plan is to go online and do some research with the boys to see what they’d like to do. They’ll be inheriting it from me as they grow up. I want them to know how to take care of Earth as well.

What can you do?

Well, the National Wildlife Federation, Nickelodeon, and are looking for 75 people in every State to “like” B Kind 2 Earth Day on Facebook and all our actions to love, respect and B Kind 2 Earth will add up!

Nickelodeon and the National Wildlife Federation are kicking off B Kind 2 Earth Day right now in New Orleans with Nickelodeon stars Victoria Justice, Leon Thomas and Daniella Monet.  Follow the hashtag #Kind2Earth and Jaime Matyas from NWF (@ecosoccermom) to get the latest.

Here’s some more information on B Kind 2 Earth Day:

The Mission: To encourage people to promise to do at least one earth-friendly action on April 22, 2011 -- and beyond.

The Overview:  Make Earth Day count for you and your family this year!!   In all fifty states on Earth Day, families will get outside, appreciate our planet and do good things for the Earth – and their collective actions are going to count, big time. B Kind 2 Earth Day is a project of Nickelodeon, the National Wildlife Federation, and incredible bloggers and organizations across the country.

It’s simple … promise to do one nice thing for the Earth on April 22nd and let’s make Earth Day really mean something. Take your kids on a walk, ditch the disposable grocery bags, do a park clean-up, install a bird feeder – whatever it is, big or small, your actions to love, respect and B Kind 2 Earth will add up! Share here what you plan to do on B Kind 2 Earth Day to inspire others to do the same!!


  1. Love the post. Definitely something to think about.

  2. To love earth and show you care all you need do is one tiny thing a day. They all add up and if everyone did that this world would deffinately be a better place.

  3. Stopping by from SITS. Great idea! How we take care of things determines our future.

  4. I have no idea what to do either, I was hoping you could help for my post. Cool that (for most people) there is no school on Earth Day! We can get the whole family involved!


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