Saturday, April 9, 2011

Project 52: Week 14

You know, at some point I’m going to forget what week I’m on (could be this week) and I’m going to be too lazy to go to my blog and check. Yup, that’s how I roll. I’m only doing my post now instead of Sunday, after the fact because, Melinda was a peach and tweeted to me reminding me about getting my post up. Now is that a bloggy buddy or WHAT?

Project 52 ReminderSo let’s check out what’s been going on in the life of US!

IMG_5824I surprised the boys by taking them to see Madagascar Live! It was pretty stinkin’ funny if you ask me.

IMG_5856I don’t normally post about products I receive for review, but a Flip UltraHD Video Camera is totally worth throwing in here! I mean, I finally have a digital video camera! Oh the things I can do…

IMG_5879Buddy getting ready to race his derby car at AWANA. He lost…bummer, so only got to go one heat. His car looks like a pair of pants. He’s on the right side of the track.

IMG_5880I decided, a bit hastily to clear out my perennial garden because I was seeing green!! I know that we still have a chance for frost and jumped the gun, but I’m soooo excited!

IMG_5890The boys saw their dad today. Unfortunately during a time of playing catch with the football, Doodle decided to catch it with his neck. He tried to take it well, but it hurt like the dickens. He went back in when they decided to play baseball. (he always has crazy hair when he sweats)IMG_5891This is what a time of playing outside gives us. Laundry around here is never dull!

Time with DaddyWe are ready for baseball season to begin!

IMG_5909And to end their time with their dad, he brought them a couple of bikes that are super needed!     


  1. YAY for new bikes. My parents bought The Boy a new one for his birthday, so now The Girl wants a new one too.

    I'm still trying to get my vegetable garden going. I think I already missed the early lettuce/bean season and now have to go straight to summer veggies. :(

  2. I'm glad you got your week up, even if it's late.

    Hugs & love,

  3. Love my FLIP...I just don't use it often. Looks like you guys have a full week. I did a Saturday Photo post too but didn't call it Project 52. :) Have a great week and congrats to the boys on new bikes.

  4. love my flip too, it's so easy to use. getting hit with a football hurts, poor kid.


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