Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Flash Mob Video

Ok, let me set this up for you. I was at my daughter’s college last month and being a Christian college, they were filtering in Christian music. Exactly what I expected.

At some point all of a sudden I heard some oldies music and it was kind of loud. It wasn’t just background music anymore, it was loud! I looked around, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

Then all of a sudden I see this guy dancing in front of everyone. My first thought was, “Get over yourself, show off”. Then a girl started dancing with him and then a few others. I was thinking, “Oh, isn’t that cute, they don’t want him to look like a dork dancing by himself.”

Next thing I know, kids are coming out of the woodworks dancing the SAME EXACT dance. That’s when I grabbed my camera because apparently the dude wasn’t being a show off, this was planned.

Hey, no wonder the bleachers filled up after being empty for several hours! I WISH I had known this was coming so I could have recorded it from the beginning.

So, yah, this isn’t a photo, shoot me, but I was amused by this group of kids.


  1. How odd. Hahaha! That had to be fun to watch.

  2. I love flash mobs!!!
    Great that you got it on camera!


  3. Now that looks like fun! It definitely would have been cool to have caught it from the beginning. I love the thoughts that went through your head!

    Happy WW!
    Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama

  4. I went to a Christian College and I can honestly say that Christain College students know how to have fun! Best place I ever went to school, loved the friendships I made there.

    Great times!!

  5. That sure would have been a surprise! Bet they had fun!

  6. So fun - how could you not dance to those Oldies?!

  7. Cool! I would love to be somewhere and have a flash mob just break out in dance! That would be awesome.
    Following you via GFC and "liked" your FB fan page as well. Have a great day.

  8. Hate it when I don't have my camera handy.

  9. Very fun. Thanks for sharing. I've never seen anything like that. Happy WW!

  10. I think the video caught it perfectly. Too fun!

    Stop by and catch our WW at the Zoo.


  11. So glad you captured this and shared.
    I think this is a good clean way to have fun and have even seen ones where they get unsuspecting bystanders involved as well.

  12. GREAT post! My kind of music! lol It is so refreshing to see young people enjoy oldies but goodies music.

  13. Loved reading what went through your head! Thanks for the linky! Happy Wednesday!

  14. That is pretty sweet :)

    I thought there was no dancing allowed at NW college?? or is that Bethel??

  15. Oh, that seemed like a pretty good capture. Kids are so funny :) I'm old and boring now and wouldn't think of doing it myself but fun to watch though :)


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