With this crazy economy, no one seems safe in their jobs. My estranged husband has been working for a family owned company for a couple of years now. He’s always had issues with getting paid, always having to go to them to ask for his paycheck on paydays, getting his mileage & trips paid for, etc.
Yesterday he told the owner he was going to take a 2 week vacation because they haven’t paid him since the beginning of the month. Well, they did give him $500 because I had to pay for my life insurance and a couple other bills. Anyhow, last night the owner called and asked R to go into work early to have a meeting. He went in, the owner was already in a meeting with a coworker and they asked him to come back in a couple hours. R said he’d rather stay and they said if he didn’t leave and come back later he could just leave his tools and everything else on his desk.
He left.
R was called back about an hour later, but his coworker was at the apartment and they were trying to clear all their personal information off the computers: personal emails, contacts, etc. The owner tried calling R, then texting him telling him to head to the shop, nothing bad was going to happen. R, I think, told him he’d be there in a bit. Well, the owner didn’t like that so he showed up with the accountant and saw the coworkers car there. Guess what he did? Called the cops! CALLED THE COPS!! They wanted to make sure they got their property back. So be dramatic and call the cops? Who do we call to come and force this guy to pay R what he’s owed?
Did I mention this is a guy I go to church with? The whole family in fact. I’m mad and heart broken at this fact. How do you do this to someone who is part of your faith “family”? I am seriously restraining myself from going to their house and saying, “What kind of people do this? R did the job you asked and you should pay him. It’s the right thing to do. You are going to reap what you sow and if you continue to do this to people, you are going to reap some bad stuff.” Now, that’s not very eloquent, but I can tell you this, when I’m in the moment, I can fight an amazing argument.
So, the cops show up and they take the computers back as well as their cell phones. R asks the owner when he’ll get paid and the accountant chimes in that R should’ve been at work that morning because they cut the checks. R said the guy didn’t know what he was talking about and that he HAD been to the office that morning, but sent home…withOUT a paycheck.
By the 1st, when R’s supposed to be paid again, they will owe him around $3800. We have a mortgage and an apartment rent, 2 phone bills, cell phones, car, health insurance, etc to pay for. I barely make squat. He pays for nearly everything. I can’t do a thing to make up what he’s lost.
I told R to go to our church and ask an Elder or a pastor to go with him to confront this guy. That’s what we’re supposed to do as fellow believers. We’re supposed to go to the church to intervene, but if the guy doesn’t comply and pay R, we’ll have to report him.
I’m going to ask my boss tomorrow if I can work every day possible until R finds a new job. Thankfully we’re at the busy time of the year, but that doesn’t change the fact that our store has been very slow this year. Of course, that’s because the weather has been terrible and everyone else is financially strapped. Now that summer is around the corner, I can work nights because I’ll be home with the boys on some days so they won’t go an entire day without seeing me. If I had to work nights now, while they were in school, that would be terrible.
We have lived paycheck to paycheck for so long we have absolutely ZERO saved up. I understand that you’re supposed to have months, if not a couple years worth of saving so when something like this happens there’s not absolute pandemonium. How are people like us, who have NO way to save supposed to come up with extra money to sock away?
Have any of you dealt with the loss of income from the major bread winner? What did you do? How did you not freak out? What did you cut out of your budget to make things work? I’m totally freaking, just so we’re clear!