Friday, May 6, 2011

Finding Hope Through Fiction Book & DVD Giveaway

I’m not sure how much you’ve looked through my sidebars, but on the left side, about 1/2 way down you’ll find a scrolling box (widget) that will give you some links to authors and bloggers who do Christian reviews & giveaways.

Nora St. Laurent, at Finding Hope Through Fiction, is one of my favorite bloggers who interviews authors. Her reviews are in depth, but my favorite part is at the end when she asks them more personal questions, and we get some fun and interesting answers.
Not only does she have this blog, she and her husband Fred run The Book Club Network. If you love reading and are part of a book club, this is a great place to get fresh ideas and to connect with other avid readers.
Then Nora is also the ACFW Book Club Coordinator. Looking to connect with some of your favorite Christian authors, hone your writing skills and be mentored by some amazing people, this would be a fantastic place to start!
And last but not least, online Nora is a Christian Fiction On-line Mag Columnist.
Right now she’s got several giveaways I wanted to share with you:
Over The Edge 5 Book Give Away Last Day to Enter May 19th
5 different people
Over the Edge By Brandilyn Collins
unplannedUnplanned Ends May 19th
This is an AMAZING TESTIMONY!! Abby Johnson used to be the director of Planned Parenthood in one of their large facilities in Texas.  She has written a book about her experience but here is the DVD that has an interview with her, her co-workers and just how she got into volunteering for Planned Parenthood in the first place.

You don't want to miss this opportunity to win a copy of this DVD.  Also there is a simulcast with Abby Johnson live. Read about it in the review. What an awareness and insight Abby Johnson gives into the abortion industry and also how God works in mysterious ways. Check it out!
Beyond the Dead Forest Youth Fiction book called Beyond the Dark Forest By Steve Groll
4 Book Give Away 2 Paperback 2 Audio books
When Sparrows Fall[1] When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley
Last day to Enter May 19th

1 comment:

  1. I have to check these out!!!!

    If you get a chance, check out my post today, we're doing a novel release party about the release of my first book! I'd love to have you stop by and be a part of the party! Have a fabulous Fashion Friday love! Kori xoxo


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!