Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flip UltraHD Camera Review

Flip Being a blogger sometimes means you “need” certain items: camera, computer, and video camera. Those are the important ones in my opinion. Of course, I’d love to have a laptop and I finally got a Smartphone in October ‘10.
One item I had really been hoping to get my hands on is a video camera for events and just daily life. I had filled out a survey at BzzAgent last Fall then lo and behold a Flip UltraHD Camera ends up on my doorstep about a month ago! I was teary eyed I was so thrilled!
I have really loved using my camera. It has been extremely easy to learn to use! I mean, all you do is push the "on" button, go through the set up screen and hit the red button to start recording.IMG_5857
It then keeps track of the minutes you're recording at the top left of the screen. When you hit the red button a 2nd time to stop recording, you'll see at the bottom of the screen how much time is left for recordable memory!

You can easily flip through the videos on the camera to watch them. While watching them you can turn the volume up or down. Speaking of which, this captures sound pretty well.
This is a video of my youngest singing at the first Minnesota Twins game he’s ever been to. It was also my first time using the Flip UltraHD camera!

When I connected my camera to my USB hub the first time the software didn't download automatically so I had to go to the Flip website and do it. Be warned, one of the booklets that comes with the Flip says to look at another booklet for how to download the software, but there's nothing in it. Once I found how to get it, it was super easy to get the software installed and then I got to play around with the program. I figured out how to make a photo out of the video. Very happy about that. It’s kind of a cool way to do it! 

The biggest issue I had was trying to post a video to YouTube. I kept getting log-in errors and I have no problem logging into my account. I emailed Flip for support and was told I would be responded to within 2 days. I didn't hear from them for 7 days after my initial question. Over 3 weeks later I'm still waiting to get this resolved. They keep emailing me asking me questions that should've all been in the first response to me such as "Which version of Adobe Flash are you using?"

I emailed them back last Friday after the latest round of questions asking if they were actually going to get around to offering me any solutions. Today is Wednesday and I still l haven’t heard back. I emailed again yesterday to see if someone was even working with me anymore. Today I went to the Flip website to send a new email. We’ll see how it goes. Over three weeks of trying to get some help seems a bit ridiculous.
I do have some sad news for those who love the Flip or who have been wanting to get one. Cisco is no longer going to be making the camera! I have no idea why they decided to stop making it, but I have a feeling their customer service is being affected by this decision.

So, aside from this issue, I've really loved my Flip camera!
Anyone else have a Flip they love using? If not, what video camera do you have for quick video captures?
*I received my Flip UltraHD because I’m a BzzAgent. The opinions expressed are mine and are never influenced by the company.


  1. I have a Flip and have had one for 3 years! I love it. It is great to just throw in my pocket and be able to video the kids at activities. I am on my second one as my first one died. But for $100 I was happy to get 2 years out of the first one. Too bad they won't be around much longer.


  2. I am SOOOO jealous!!! I want one!! Can I have it? :)

  3. I have always thought that these cameras looked cool, and yes, I just read that they're going to be discontinued. Oh well...Perhaps something else will take its place and be just as cool.


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