Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Graduation Week: Grab Button For Extra Entries to Giveaways

graduation Photo from

My 2nd daughter will be graduating from high school in under a month. Where’d the time go? To celebrate the big event, I’ve connected with a few companies for Graduation Week. As you can see, it won’t actually be for a week, but I’ll have 4 days of reviews & giveaways.

To kick it off, you have a couple of days to grab my button (top right sidebar) and post it on your blog. You will get +5 extra entries if you comment before my first post goes live on Friday. Want to know who I’ll be highlighting first? Try ThinkGeek! Here is the line up:

Please leave a link to your blog where the button will be posted so that you can receive your extra entries. The button will NEED to stay up through the giveaways!

If any companies want to get in under the wire, just let me know and we’ll get it set up!


  1. Do I get extra points for being first? GFC let me know about your post.
    Have your button on my blog:

  2. I have your button, right on top!

    Just for clarification, is it +5 in all of the giveaways, or just one of my choice?

  3. Just added the button! Cant wait!
    theblackat at hotmail dot com


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!