Saturday, May 7, 2011

Project 52: Week 18

Ok, so I had an utterly boring week when it came to capturing photos. Total fail on my part and I’ll take my lashings now…

My new odometer reading:200000 odometer

This may not look like a lot of chocolate, but tasting it filled me up. Met with some other bloggers and spent over an hour discussing and tasting chocolate. It was fun and yummy. I am now a chocolate snob!


I asked my Doodle to take photos of me in my Crazy Dog Tshirt while I was on the trampoline. He got very few photos of me that actually showed me ON the trampoline! Then he didn’t want to give me the camera back. He’s such a stinker! And yes, most photos of me WILL have me sticking my tongue out or make a face of one sort or another. I’m not photogenic, so I try to offset it with humor. Trust me, Doodle took about 50 photos. I kept two. LOLIMG_6277 Are you working on a Project 52? I’d love to drop by and see what your week has been like? Leave me a link in the comments.


  1. What? THat little bit of chocolate filled you up?? :)

  2. I gave Shae Sabreena's old digital camera this weekend, we might be up to 400 pictures taken. I'm going to give her a flickr account so years from now she can see all the shots she took LOL

  3. I wanna come over and jump on the trampoline with you! Then we can eat chocolate together. I'm not a snob though. Believe it or not, I prefer the drugstore stuff!


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