Saturday, May 14, 2011

Project 52: Week 19

It was a week of sports for the boys. Soccer for both boys. My oldest, in one afternoon, had soccer, guitar and then baseball. Never had that happen before and don’t foresee running into something like that again! Sheesh!

IMG_6278I love that our yard is big enough for the neighborhood kids to all play. This is the side of our house where they’re playing baseball.

Soccer Doodle is in the yellow cover up playing soccer, and my Droid2 takes crappy photos.

IMG_6296Going to his first baseball game of the season & hadn’t even played with the team yet. They didn’t have enough kids for the 3rd team and asked him to join. He got a double at the first game and they won!

Guitar practice  The boys are going to be playing in front of church for the first time at the end of June. Again, taken with my Droid2

IMG_6297 IMG_6303

It was nice enough out a couple days this week that the boys and neighbors had a balloon fight. The 2nd photo is of the last balloon being popped.

If you’re doing a Project 52 or 365 let me know where your recent post is so I can come visit!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a busy week. But I see green grass... glad Spring has Sprung!


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