Sunday, May 22, 2011

Project 52: Week 21

And once again, we have a week that’s been dull and lifeless. Eh, that’s ok. Now my meager offering for your enjoyment:

Arts & Academics morning at the elementary school. Parents were able to see art from all the grades and visit the classroom.IMG_6323 Mealworms. The fun never ends.IMG_6331 Doodle and his teacher. His dragonfly is the upper left one.IMG_6334 I surprised the boys with a trip to the Minneapolis Convention Center for LEGO KidsFest. More to come in the next couple of days! It was spectacular!IMG_6335 My BFF (white shirt) at her daughter’s grad party. They did an amazing job and the food was delicious!IMG_6385 If you are doing a weekly or daily photo challenge, leave me a comment with a link so I can come visit! Thanks for dropping by and have a great week!

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