Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Growing Garden

So a month ago I did a photo of my wee little sprouts mid AprilIMG_5978Here we are the second week of MayPlant DescriptionsMore Plant Descriptions Here’s what it should look like in the next couple of monthsIMG_9785 I love my perennial garden!


  1. K, Love your flowerbed!! We've moved and now I'm setting up a new "bed" and yours gives me inspiration and ideas! :)
    Thanks so much!
    Mommy on the Move
    Ps....thanks for commenting on my kitty cat and being a follower!

  2. WOW! I'm seriously blown away. That's amazing.

  3. WOW! Love your flowerbed.

    Happy WW!

  4. Wow! They look so beautiful! I wish we could grow a garden like that here!

  5. Lovely perennial flower garden it will be to enjoy and hopefully low maintenance as well.

  6. One thing I will never have is a green thumb. I'm lucky I have hands! ;)

  7. Wow! What a difference. It's going to be gorgeous.

  8. That is gorgeous. I love gardens, but not so much the work. :) (new follower from shining2save ww)

  9. my beds are overgrown! they need a good thinning out. I am always expanding them for less grass to maintain as we live in the sticks with a farm as our backyard neighbor, so weeding is almost impossible... it actually never is weed free, LOL!
    yours is a great size & we have many of the same plantings :) Faythe fromGMT

  10. So pretty!! I inherited my black thumb from my Mom but, fortunately, we know someone. She'll be coming soon to get our garden started for the year again! :)

  11. Very pretty. I love my perennials too. Unfortunately last years winter did a number on our garden and landscaping.

  12. What a bright and beautiful day to join a blog hop!

    Just popping by to say hello and follow your blog!

    I'm Kat the author/editor of The Vivification of Mrs. Moment (MrsMoment.Com). VMM is a A blossoming community of storytellers weaving true tales about fleeting moments that touch our lives in incalculable ways. Plus, excerpts from my odd little life.

    Stop by, get involved, tell a story, and follow back. We love to welcome new writers into our community.

    Peace and illumination,



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