Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Minnesota Zoo

My Doodle and I went to the Minnesota Zoo today! It was absolutely gorgeous out, although a tad windy. I thought I was going to have a group of kids to watch, but we were able to be on our own! We had such a great time. 4 hours goes really fast though. Sorry, but I have lots of photos this week:

Zoo Zoo 2

Zoo 3 Zoo 4

Zoo 5 Zoo 6

Zoo 7

Here’s my bearded Iris:IMG_6565My other Iris:


Make sure you check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: Mama Dweeb, Project Alicia, and The Divine Miss Mommy.


  1. Looks like a fun filled week - wow!!
    Have a restful next one!

  2. we love going to the zoo. This looks like a great one.

  3. The MN Zoo is awesome. Hopefully we'll get a chance to there this year. Looks like you had a great time.

  4. hahaha!! Looks like we were both thinkin' about animals this week! I love the shot of the catfish you got!

  5. Such fun photos!! Love the shot of the leopard (or cheetah)!

    Happy WW!

  6. Those are great pictures of the zoo, and your Iris is beautiful!

  7. Looks like an awesome zoo - a lot of fun. Happy WW!

  8. so much fun! The zoo is definitely on our list this summer.

  9. Your photos are wonderful. Zoos are always a great place to go. It's been a couple of years since I've been. Would like to go back soon.

  10. I just love the Zoo. Always on our go-to list when we travel. My favorite shots are the chicken cut-out pics. Too funny!

  11. Isn't that the best place to go with kids is the zoo. Just let their imagination run wild. It's great. I see the smiles on your faces and I can tell everyone is having a great time. Thanks for sharing. By the way thanks for stopping by & yes I have heard the "Designated Riders" play in my basement every Sunday for practice. The guy in the hat that's Dave, my hubby! :) They have a gig next Saturday at the St. Charles festival.

  12. That looks like such fun. I'm looking forward to taking a trip to the zoo soon. Happy WW!

  13. That is a lot of photos but they're all great! I feel like taking the kids to the zoo this weekend...

  14. Great pictures. Looks like a fun day. My kids love the zoo but the youngest gets freaked out by the shark tank and would never stand close to it like your son did while a shark was swimming by. LOL.

    Happy WW!

  15. Love the photos. The shark tank looks pretty neat - my little man is all about them lately :)
    Happy WW

  16. Your Iris rocks! So pretty.
    Thanks for the linky too!

  17. I LOVE going to the zoo and cant wait to go this year with the kids! they are finally old enough to really enjoy it :) Looks like you all had a great time!

  18. Very cool! We actually just had friends move to MN so I will have to share this with them!

  19. Yep we go to the Henry Doorly Zoo all the time here. So much fun!


  20. Wow, looks like a fabulous zoo!

  21. I love zoos that have farm animals - most of the time, they're just as "exotic" as lions!

    (And the Irises are BEAUTIFUL! They're my favorite flower.)

  22. Looks like an absolutely fun day!


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