Monday, June 27, 2011

Project 52: Week 25

Lucky you, you’ll be getting 2 of my Project 52’s this week. I didn’t get one up last Fri/Sat because it was a nutty weekend. Took my son & his buddies to see Cars 2 on Saturday. Then Sunday my oldest son played for the first time at church with 2 of his other bandmates. He played at both services. Then I took my Doodle to camp that’s about 1 1/2 hours away. So, this weekend, my weekend off, was blown running around doing crazy things.

Here’s a glimpse at our week:

Doodle leading off, but he’s standing funny. =)IMG_7074 From Doodle’s game we rushed over to Buddy’s game already in progress. What an intense game!IMG_7093 And they finally won their 2nd game of the season! Running the bases:IMG_7110Getting buzzed at my friend’s house. Cheaper than a salon!! And were off Getting his hair buzzed

Buddy celebrated his 12th birthday on Wednesday. It was a rather uneventful day, but he has a party coming up that we are still planning!

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Went to Cars 2 on Saturday for Doodle’s 8th birthday:IMG_7237 Buddy and his 2 band mates played during the special music time for both services. They’ve been taking lessons from our Worship pastor since September. They did a spectacular job! And yes, I’m utterly biased!adjusted band After church we went home, finished packing Doodle for camp and he and I headed out for our drive. To say that he was excited is putting it mildy.IMG_7280 Hope everyone had a great week last week! If you’re participating in a weekly or daily photo posting, leave your link here so I can visit!


  1. I can't believe how busy you have been the last week or so. Man oh man!

  2. Your project 52 is making me miss doing my 365 this year!

  3. You had a very busy weekend! How was Cars 2? I had the flu and decided not to attend the screening because I didn't want to get anyone sick, especially kiddos!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  4. It looks like a great week!

    Hugs & love,


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