Saturday, June 4, 2011

Project 53: Week 22

Ok, so this week is making up big time for the last couple weeks of next to nothing photos.

Doodle & I went to the Minnesota Zoo for his 2nd grade field trip:

On our way to the Farm YardIMG_6505 I fell in love with this goat. He just sat there while I pet him.IMG_6513 IMG_6514

This is what I’d still like to be doing right now!IMG_6560Then there was Buddy’s most recent baseball game. Painful! IMG_6574

And that same day was Doodle’s birthday. Apparently he loved his new LEGO game!IMG_6583 IMG_6585

Friday he got his presents from his sisters: a Denard Span shirt and a baseball gloveIMG_6587 IMG_6591

My Smooch and her closest friends!IMG_6618 My daughter, the high school graduate (loving her Toms shoes)IMG_6641I almost missed the hat throw because I was talking to my daughter. I turned & snapped!IMG_6650IMG_6658 

What has your week been like? Did you photograph it? If so, let me know where I can check them out!


  1. wow a HS gradute !!!
    I love Perry too :)

  2. That's a great week! Congratulations to your daughter!
    - Catherine


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