Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trend Micro SafeSync Review

When BzzAgent offered me the opportunity to try out Trent Micro SafeSync I really hemmed and hawed about joining the campaign. I really wasn’t sure what the point or use was. I had no clue how it worked and IF it worked. As I dilly dallied, I realized, maybe there are other people out there who have no clue about these services. I totally went into this blind having no clue what I was doing.

I decided the best place to start was their FAQs. I have to admit, I breezed through it understanding very little because I’m not very savvy with technology lingo. Sites should have details that are designed as if they’re talking to preschoolers.

It took quite a while to download all the files it downloaded. I have no idea how it grabbed all the files it did. I know I clicked a few buttons, but honestly had no clue how large any of the files were.

Well, on day 2 of having Trend Micro, I was told my files were too big and they weren’t all downloaded. What I really wanted saved were my photos and videos that I have yet to back up to a disk. I know, I know, bad news!

Well, I kind of had a hard time finding my photos at first. When I clicked my Photos album, it would say that folder “Not Found” so I never clicked further on it. Well, it turns out a lot of my photo folders are there, but they don’t all contain photos. Not sure what happened to the pictures that were in them.

One feature I found somewhat irritating was that if you are trying to delete files individually (because you can’t do them all at once) is if you accidently click outside the boxes for each file ALL the files will un-select and you’ll have to start ALL over! Can you imagine doing that at the end of 30-100 files and having to go back and redo them? I’d love a “Select All” option.screen capture

Another item I haven’t figured out is when I’m in the drop down screen with “File” on top and folders below it. If I click on File on the left sidebar, it then shows me in the large window pane what items are in the File. Well, when I clicked on “Downloads” all of a sudden it said, “moving”. I had no idea where it was going as I hadn’t designated a folder. I opened my “Music” file and there was my “Download” file. I tried it again intentionally and the “Favorites” file went there. Okee dokee

Here are features you might be interested in with Trend Micro’s SafeSync:

  • Syncs data across multiple devices, including desktop computers, iPads, iPhones and Android phones
  • Backs up files to the cloud as soon as you save them
  • Stores a history of all your file changes and lets you recover past versions
  • Allows you to access data from anywhere, anytime with a web-enabled device
  • Lets you upload images, stream music and video and view important pictures and documents
  • Allows for easy sharing by providing links to your photos, videos and documents
  • Makes it simple to post to Facebook, Twitter, and your blog
  • Uses Trend Micro 24/7 for virus scanning and file transfer encryption
  • Defends your equipment from cyber attack with multiple firewalls

    If you have been looking for an online storage, you can try out Trend Micro for 50% off 20GB w/code "BZZ20"! What a great introductory option, right?

    If you do use an online service, what do you think of it and how long have you used it?

    *I’m a BzzAgent and was provided with this service for free. The opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company


    1. Don't waste your time with safesync. It promised unlimited usage when I signed up and then throttled to a crawl after 300GB of data.

    2. I've been a customer of Trend's SafeSync since late last year because I wanted an extra degree of safety with my precious family photos. During the pairing process, their system systematically deleted all my files leaving the directories and thumbs files. When I noticed early this spring, I immediately called their help desk and was informed that they dont support this system and referred me to an email support desk. Long story short, I sit here 8 months later frustrated beyond belief with dimming hopes that I can get back unreplaceable digital photos of my family kids going back nearly two decades. They refuse to talk to me on the phone hiding behind emails asking the same redundant questions then going silent. Based on my experience, I absolutely CAN NOT recommend this service.


    Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!