Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Grad Balloon Release & A Toenail

A week ago today my daughter was still a high school senior. By Friday, I was the mom of a 2nd high school graduate. After the party on Sunday the girls released their latex balloons.balloon release And then apparently sometime during the party, my son lost a toenail and decided he’d grab the camera and get some shots of it. Imagine my surprise as I was going through the party photos!

IMG_6719 IMG_6720

Make sure to check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: The Misplaced Midwesterner, My Wee View, Fip Flops & Pearls and Shasher’s Life.


  1. how lovely... the balloons AND the toenail lol!!

  2. Now this had me laughing when I got to the toenail. :)

  3. well your son thought it was interesting! Hahaaha!

  4. the balloon shots are so cool! hmm let me think about the toenail LOL!

  5. So cute! I love when kids get a hold of the camera...
    Soooooooo... do you feel old? :)

  6. Love the series with the balloon ascension. I'd love to hear how you did that! And lol on the toenail. Happy WW!

  7. That is hilarious, and what a great story!!!
    Have a great week,

    My Orgnaized Chaos

  8. that with the balloons is just too cool

  9. hahaha my kids leave me all sorts of strange photos on my camera!! :) especially my 5 yr old... I get videos of plants, carpet, his teeth... lol

  10. I had to really laugh about your son! Don't those boys just know how to put a smile on your face when you least expect it...that or gross you out!!! lol! I know how you feel about the whole graduation....seems like yesterday they were babies....I've got my oldest getting married and another one in her HS senior year....I don't know how i'll manage :( 'sniff' 'sniff'
    I'm stopping by from FF&P and hope you have a wonderful week!

  11. Love the balloon release...that was awesome how you did that. :)

  12. Love the balloon slide show, and the toenail. GROSS!! lol Boys.

  13. The toenail is hilarious! Love the idea of releasing balloons. Congrats on your new graduate!

  14. OMG...that is too funny about the toenail. I love how you did the progression of the pics for the release of the balloons...so cool. Can I ask how you did that?

  15. The balloon release is a cool idea! Happy graduation. The toenail seems like something a kid would do. haha

  16. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation. I like the balloon release idea. The tonail pics are hilarious. You never know what you'll find on your camera when the kids get a hold of it!

  17. ha! what a surprise that must have been to find on your memory card!

    Love the balloon shot! Congrats on your recent high school grad in the family!

  18. Congratulations!

    Very nice how you show the balloon release.

  19. Congrats to your daughter!

    As far as the toenail goes: One of my husband's co-workers lost his whole fingernail in a grinder once. He had to go to the hospital. He was super lucky he didn't loose a whole finger. Since it was a foundry, and they are crazy, they cast his fingernail in bronze. Everyone in the workplace got a bronze replica to keep. Weird, but a true story!


  20. I love how you did the balloon images! So cool-

    Thank you for linking up,
    Happy {semi} wordless wednesday ♥

  21. Love the balloon release!

    The toenail? Boys are so weird!!!

  22. the balloon release is really great.. umm the toe nail? lovely :P lmao


  23. Congrats on your Second HS Grad! Way to go!

    That toenail pic is too funny! Does he know he is your Wordless Wednesday this week? :)

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi over at Ascending Butterfly today and thanks for the linky!

  24. I love when the kids take random pics that you find, that used to happen to me too.

    Congrats on getting 2 thru high school.

    Hugs & love,


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