Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Up In The Air

Before we headed to the Twins game on Sunday there was an air show going on next to my work where there’s a landing strip right next to it! I had no clue, but had to stop by to pick up some stuff on the way to the game. It was so cool. Yes, it was a cloudy morning. I wasn’t really prepared, but here are a few photos:

IMG_6826IMG_6827IMG_6830  Make sure to follow these Wordless Wednesday participants: Mom Spotted, Carrie With Children, and A Renaissance Woman.


  1. Air Shows! So cool. When I lived in Italy, we had them all the time. So fun to see all the planes doing the tricks. Have a great week.

  2. It looks like the planes were close! Your boys must have been excited! Mine would have gone nuts. What a great impromptu air show.

  3. My boys would love this! Great shots!

    Happy WW!

  4. We went to an air show last year and it was so cool!

  5. My son would have flipped! How fun!

  6. Wonderful, you just reminded me to put an air show in this summers schedule. Wonderful pics.

  7. That is neat how you just happened upon it.
    Thanks for the linky too!

  8. pretty cool. I like watching the planes do loop de loops! :)



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