Saturday, July 23, 2011

Avery’s Give Back to Schools

LOGO The Avery's Give Back to Schools contest is open to any K-8 public or private school in the U.S. You just register your school and anyone can vote once per day until the contest ends on 9/16 at


There are lots of ways to help earn cash and much needed supplies for your school today. First, make sure that Avery school supplies are on all your Back-to-School supply lists. Avery offers high-quality, durable school supplies with Box Tops for Education® coupons, so kids and parents can clip off the coupons and give them to their schools. Each coupon is worth 10¢—and boy does it add up fast! Schools have earned over $1,000,000 from Box Tops coupons found on Avery products that have helped purchase computers, playground equipment, books and more.

And with the Avery Give Back to Schools™ promotion, all you have to do is vote for your favorite school. The top five schools at the end of the promotion will each win $10,000 worth of Avery School Supplies, 10,000 Bonus Box Tops coupons, and $1,000 worth of gift cards. Twenty-five runner-up schools will also win 5,000 Bonus Box Tops coupons! So what are you waiting for? Start voting today!

The top five schools will win:

-$10,000 in Avery school supplies

-10,000 Bonus Box Tops (equal to $1,000 cash)

-$1,000 in gift cards for teachers to purchase additional classroom supplies

The next 25 schools will win 5,000 Bonus Box Tops (equal to $500 cash).

* I have not been compensated in any way for this post.


GBreeze2 said... 1

Thanks for sharing the word about the contest!

I registered our school GULF BREEZE ELEMENTARY (Zip Code 32561) would LOVE your vote. You can vote for as many schools as you like and once per day!

Gulf Breeze thanks you! :)

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.