Monday, July 25, 2011

Moon Dough Magical Molding Dough & Gomu Eraserland Reviews

Moon Dough LogoOver the 4th of July I thought it’d be fun to include the nieces and nephew in trying out Moon Dough and Gomu, two products neither of my boys have ever played with. Now, you might be thinking of Moon Sand, and it’s similar, but definitely not the same in the end.magic zooAt first when the kids started playing with it we weren’t sure if it was going to be moldable, but as we continued to play with it, it became less like Sand and more like Dough. We started off with the Moon Dough Magic Zoo, which there’s a bit of putting together, but nothing major.
Moon Dough
The big hit was the creation part. Putting the Moon Dough into the mold, then Attaching that to the Zoo Arch, the kids crank the handle and as it gets to the bottom, the dough forms around the walking feet and it pops out automatically! All 5 kids couldn’t get enough of it. They kept making different colors for the different animals and watching them walk around.
My niece mentioned that they should have enough walkers as molds. That way all the animals can be made to walk around at once. I thought that was a good point. We also had some issues when we got to the bottom of the Zoo Arch as we were trying to pop them out to walk. The crank would get stuck at the bottom and the walker wouldn’t come out so they were over cranking! Yikes, that was a terrible noise. I had to manually unsnap the walker sometimes.
Gomu logoOn to the Gomu. I have to be honest, I told my PR contact that I wasn’t so sure this would be a very big hit with my boys. I mean, they’re boys. Gomu are trading erasers. Didn’t feel like the two mixed well. Let me tell you, I ate my words!Gomu pack
I gave each of the 5 kids a couple packs of erasers. They busted into them and started trading and marking down which ones they had. As they started looking closer to the paper that comes with each pack, they realized each eraser had it’s own points. Some of them were super special and had higher point.
The kids played with these and traded them for nearly 3 hours…THREE hours! I went and took a nap, and when I came back down, they were still playing with them. It was the craziest thing.
As you can see from the photos, there was a lot of wheeling and dealing going on with their Gomu.
What’s interesting about the Gomu erasers is that they’re not one solid piece. Most of them have at least 2 different pieces. They could come apart in the most interesting ways. Like the scissors you see above, each half of the scissor can be separated. For the brush, the black parts can be taken off.
In the middle of the Gomu packages are secret erasers that you don’t see until you have the packaging taken apart. Your kids can visit the website and keep track of the points they have as well as their collection.
I think these are going to be a fun back to school item this Fall!
*I received these products to review. The opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.

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