Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Man It’s Humid

I’ve lived in MN for 13 yrs. The summers have had days that are hot, and sure it’s been humid on occasion. This past week I’ve seen something I’ve never seen before:

IMG_7667 IMG_7669 This is the outside of my front door looking from the inside.

Check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants:

 Home Grown Families


  1. it is EXACTLY the same way here. Oh my goodness! 105 with heat index. Kill me now

  2. Yikes! And I thought it was bad in IA. lol.

  3. Man that is humid! That is one thing I do not miss since I have moved to the desert.
    Thanks for adding my button!

  4. I am dying here too! It actually makes me mad when I'm outside that it is so hot. Not exactly a logical reaction, but it just seems wrong. Bring back winter!

  5. It humid here in Missouri as well! I think the Arch has wilted! LOL

    Stay cool!

  6. Aww! We got such a pretty humid climate on normal days of summer but I dont I have seen such humidity!

  7. Isn't it just crazy?! I love hot, but this is *hot*.

  8. That;s very humid! It was like that here yesterday, and we hardly ever get humid days!!

    My Organized Chaos

  9. Ugggg. It is disgusting hot and humid here. I am ready for fall. :)

  10. You aren't kidding. That's incredibly humid!

  11. I'm so not digging this heat and humidity. That's crazy.

  12. I'm also melting in this intense heat here.. it's super humid this summer.

  13. Yikes that humid! But they are lovely pictures!

  14. guessing not worth the cool picture. ours look like that in winter.

  15. That's life down here in New Orleans, LA! Our saying is, "It's not the heat but the humidity!"

  16. I can't even breath out there! It's awful for sure! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, we always have a good time when we go there. It's a old Irish Pub decor and they have three terraces out in back that makes it kind of cool (well, it was hot, but you know what I mean). Have a good one!

  17. Thats pretty bad!! Stay Cool!! http://www.nycsinglemom.com/2011/07/19/supermans-helper-wordless-wednesday-with-linky/

  18. Come down to Florida to cool off!

  19. Warm and breezy here. Incredible photos!

  20. Holy Humidity that's crazy! :) Mother Nature sure has been on a heat and humidity spur lately, hasn't she? I absolutely LOVE those shots! :)

    WW: Pelicans on the Mississippi

  21. Hasn't the weather been ridiculous? It's too hot to even go outside. Thank God for our central air!

  22. Hi - That is HUMID for sure!

    You have my sympathies - the midwest is getting hit hard...we're used to it down here with a/c everywhere -a lot of other places aren't used to extreme heat and really suffer!

    Best wishes to you!

    PS-Am a New Follower!!!

    Linda (visiting from the hop!)

  23. What a great picture! Tuesday night it was 99 degrees here (SC). It's humid, but I think you've got us beat. Excited that you're going to Women of Faith too!

  24. oh wow that is humid! Its hot and humid here as well ~brutal summer!!!


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