Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Waterpark of America

I finally got tickets to take my boys to Waterpark of America after work with Plum District. Well, this opportunity my 12 yo has wanted for months went down the toilet very quickly. I’m not going to explain how I lost my cool after my son became dramatic. I’ll just show you the few photos I got. My 8yo will have a chance to go back next week. Thank goodness!

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IMG_7606 IMG_7619 IMG_7611 IMG_7616

No, neither of my boys went down the BIG slide, but my Doodle did try the surfing wave…for about a second. Not long enough to get a photo or video! Next time…

Check out these WW participants: My Organized Chaos, Merry With Children, and Home Grown Families


  1. Whoa! I think anyone would love it there! Looks like so much fun!!

    Thanks for the shout-out too!!!! :)

    My Organized Chaos

  2. Oh I have a dramatic son, THREE of them ;-) looks like a fun time while it lasted. Wish we had one of those near me

  3. Looks like so much fun!! Totally a place my boys would love too:)

  4. Oohh, this is the big one near the mall isn't it? My kids would love to go there. Perhaps when they are older!

  5. Ah! Fun summer days!!! And beautifully captured too!

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. Oh to be a kid again! They look like they are having so much fun.

  7. Fun! I can't wait until the boys are a little older and can enjoy things like this!

  8. A lot of fun in those pictures!

  9. It seems to be a pretty big place, and the play structure is huge. Very fun!

  10. You're not alone - Princess Nagger's other nickname is DQ or Drama Queen. ;) LOVE the shots!

    WW: Princess Nagger Visits the Devonian Fossil Gorge

  11. Oh my gosh, that looks SO fun!! What a fun mom you are. :-)

  12. Oh that is one monster slide! I love how it goes in and out of the building!

  13. Summertime fun! Such great pictures. Wish I was there!

  14. Great water pictures! Thanks for sharing your family fun! Happy WW!


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