Friday, August 26, 2011

Who Will Love Me For Me?

I see myself in the words of this song. When you’ve felt like a nobody all your life and it’s been reinforced by the men who have come and gone and left scars in my life I wonder if any man will ever be able to love me for me.

Oh, it’s easy enough for people to say that there’s someone out there, but I may never find him or he may never find me. I mean, that’s a reality.

I realize the Lord loves me for me, but I still disappoint Him on a minute by minute basis. And I know that in the grand scheme of things it would be wonderful if only how He sees me mattered. But I’m flesh and bones. I need the same thing here and now (ok, not today, but you know what I mean).

But let’s get real. I want the love of a real, living, breathing man. I want him to see me for me and be satisfied…more than satisfied.

Then I heard this song for the first time at the beginning of the week, just after I finished my Finding My Sexy series.

I’d never heard of JJ Heller before and her sound is beautiful. My guess is, it’s her husband who plays guitar. I think you’ll love this song “What Love Really Means”. They’ve got some other amazing songs, and I’d encourage you to take a listen.

*I haven’t been asked to write about this song or this video. It’s all me.


  1. This is just wonderful.

  2. That is a beautiful song~Thanks for sharing :-)

    And~don't be so hard on yourself as you will meet the "one". Just take it one day at a time honey (((HUGS)))

  3. You will find that love one day. I'm sure of it! :)

  4. I think you really don't find love until you stop looking. So many people I know found a special someone after giving up, and I think the giving up opens up the opportunity for a greater power to work.


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