Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Bloggy Boot Camp Chicago #BBCCHI

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I had a really tough time (personally) at Bloggy Boot Camp and took only a couple photos. I was able to meet Shannon who is a relatively new blogger and Jyl from Mom It Forward who has the BEST #gno parties ever. You have got to meet this amazing lady (and her nutty hubby @TroyPatee)

Shannon & I have kept in touch via Twitter and if you want to follow her, find her at @GETTINGINTOTRUF

Jyl I had no idea she’d be at #BBCCHI She is simply spectacular. She came up to little ol’ me and introduced herself. She is stunning and magnetic in person and I’m so thankful I got to meet her IRL!

Make sure to follow these other WW participants:

My Wee ViewHome Grown Families


  1. Sorry you had a tough time. My Chicago blogging ladies are usually fabulous!!
    I was supposed to be there but sold my ticket last minute as I couldn't take anymore time away from my 3 year old

  2. I'm sorry to hear you had a tough time. I just recently found out about this conference. If I would've known sooner, I may have actually gone since it was just a few hours away from me.

  3. I hope to be able to meet you at a bloggy conference some day!

  4. Stinks that you had a rough time Mimi :( But I love that you got to meet Jyl from Mom it Forward. I love chatting with her on twitter, she's so fabulous and kind :)

  5. Sorry you had a tough time. :( I would love to meet Jyl and Troy though... they are so fun to work with and seem amazing via email and Twitter! Hope things are better now! ;)

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself in spite of having a tough time. :) Love the pictures! :)

    WW: First Day of 3rd Grade

  7. The pics of you are great!! Hopefully we can meet one day : )

  8. Great photos of good looking gals. Would love to meet you one day!

  9. Glad you met some wonderful gals! I would love to attend one of these sometime.

  10. I know it was a tough day for you, and I'm sorry you didn't get to focus more on the event, but Jyl is great for sure!

  11. I want to go to a bloggers conference! Too bad you didn't have a better time :( Maybe next one!

  12. Sorry to hear that you had a rough time. Great pics though :)

  13. i really want to attend one of these!

  14. hope everything is okay with you now. I really wanted to attend that event and had no idea til the very week before that they were coming to town.

    Looks like you met some wonderful ladies and had a nice time after all.

  15. So sorry to hear that you had a rough time. You girls are gorgeous!

    BTW - That was a canna flower you saw in my WW post.

    Have a nice day, sweetie!


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