Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Rugby Dog

Our beloved boy May 2008 – August 20, 2011

Smiling RugbyThis is my smiling boy. I miss his smile & welcome home.

Make sure you check out these WW participants:

Mom Spotted


  1. I"m sorry about your dog.
    I love dogs. They are such great companions!

  2. Oh, I just went back to read what happened...I'm so sorry! What a heartbreak. I've had many animals in my life and I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Hopefully your wonderful memories and photos like these ones will help to ease your pain over time. Sometimes the only thing that can help during these times is to remember that your pet was loved - very loved and cherished - and even though his life might have been cut short like that, he had a very good life and knew love. Many - too many - dogs do not ever know the love of a family of their own.

    I've linked up to the wordless wednesday and am a new follower of your blog. I wish you peace.

    They All Call Me Mom

  3. Cute pictures. Sorry about your dog.

  4. So so sorry. What a beautiful dog!!!!

  5. As a fellow dog owner my heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your boy was so beautiful.

  6. UGH!! So sorry to hear of your loss!!

  7. I'm so sorry Mimi. I'm sure that must be hard on your children.

  8. I'm sorry about the loss of your beloved dog. I'm glad you have these amazing pictures to remember ((hugs))


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