Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall Into Friendship: Friends You Love Event

Friends You Love
I am so excited and honored to be participating in the amazing 2nd annual Friends You Love event! Friendship makes the world go round. How could we survive without it? Women have a special connection and this event is geared towards those connections!
Begins October 1st!
Want something to whet your appetite for what’s to come next month? You know you do! Check this out:
  • Friends You Love Kick-Off Twitter Party Oct 4th 7:30pm CT
  • World's Greatest BFF Writing Contest
  • Besties Photo Contest
  • Friends You Love Scavenger Hunt
  • Friends You Love Twitter Gala
and the weekly
  • Friends You Love Blog Hop
I’ll also give want to give you an idea of a few companies (but not all because this IS a teaser) that we’ll be working with:
One2One Network
Bare Escentuals
Godiva Chocolatier Coffee
and yes there are more! You’ll have to go check out our side bar to see who else is in the line up!! Woo Hoo
I’m so excited working on lining up my guest posters! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at who’s dropping by for a visit. They’ll be linked up to our blog hop and hope they’ll be able to get blogging buddies to post on their sites as well. What a fun friendship train to jump on!
So, grab your girlfriends, visit our site, follow via GFC and Twitter and make sure you keep up-to-date with our activities!


  1. What is your twitter address? I am trying to follow you via the button on the top of your page but it says that the page doesn't exist! :(

  2. You had me at chocolate.
    I hope you tweet about this!

  3. how fun! "friendship makes the world go round: hehe so cute! :)

  4. OMG! This is amazing. BE is the ONLY makeup I wear...has been for about 6 years. So excited!!! Congrats on being involved.


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