Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: #MNBlogCon

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Minnesota Blog Conference. It was so awesome to connect with other local bloggers. I went to a pre-conference party at Jen’s from Life With Levi and about 10 other gals. It was fantastic to connect and have recognizable faces in the crowd of 250!

IMG_8559 IMG_8567IMG_8568Kristin at Only Parent Chronicles was awesome enough to let me crash at her place so I could go to the pre-conference party. If she hadn’t I would’ve had to drive over an hour home. Well, I probably wouldn’t have joined in the festivities.

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Be sure to link up with these other awesome Wordless Wednesday participants:

Home Grown Families
Mom SpottedMommy Moment


  1. Kristin is a sweetheart! I'm so glad you got to go (and without distractions this time). :)

  2. I can't wait to go to a conference! I need to stop by Kristin's blog and start participating in Post in note Tuesdays again!!

  3. i can't wait to meet a blogger in real life too LOL

  4. I was so mad at myself after leaving the MN Blogger Conference because I completely forgot that you were attending and I wanted to meet you. I have been linking up with you for WW for quite a while now and it would have been wonderful to meet face to face. Maybe next year.

  5. awesome. It is wonderful to met up with those you are friends with online. I think its seals a friendship. and looks like u all had fun too

  6. I'm hoping that I can go next year, geesh... will the star align for me, please?!

    So sweet of Kristin to let you stay there, you and her are two great bloggers I'm lucky enough to have met IRL!

  7. Sounds like you had a blast. What was the coolest thing you learned/did there?

    After posting I will be your newest follower!

  8. How fun! I'm looking forward to going to my first blogger conference next month. So excited.

  9. What a fun opportunity! I'm hoping to get to meet up with some bloggers some time, though I'm sure I'll be shy as all get out.

  10. Looks so great! Still haven't been to a conference. This inspires me to make the effort to attend one close to home!

  11. Oh, fun I'd love to find something like that local that I could attend:)

  12. I am so glad I got to meet you. Not only did I find an awesome blog to read (yours), but I made cool new friends (you) : )
    And let me tell you... I love the Mimi/Kristin, Mimi/Kristin photos at the end of your post - we're all just too dang cute!

  13. I love conferences. Sounds like a great time!

  14. It looks like a great time. I wonder if there's anything in Michigan like that...

    Hugs & love,

  15. Looks like a ton of fun! Jen from Life with Levi is seriously so much fun! She's got TONS of energy, love her so much :)

  16. Nice to see you! Looks like you had fun at the conference.

  17. Sounds so cool! Wanted to stop by and give you some Alexa love this week!


  18. YAY! I'm glad you had fun and thank goodness for the kindness of friends. I'm jealous... that whole anonymous thing again...


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