Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Indoor Picnic

My Doodle decided we would have a picnic for lunch since we were all too lazy to make anything. He went gathering and then declared some “rules”. We couldn’t eat Doritos until we had a fruit. Ooooo-k. So, we ate fruit. At least I did. Buddy didn’t so he wasn’t allowed Doritos, until he snuck them.

IMG_8668 Be sure to check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants:

Home Grown FamiliesMy Wee View


Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

That is awesome, looks like the cat snuck some fruit too!! lol

btw - Love your new header!!!!


Anonymous said...

How fun. Sounds like my son. He won't touch fruit.

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is so sweet. I love doing indoor picnics with the grandchildren.

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

You just need to remember that "rule" the next tome he wants his chips first!

Merry said...

We love having picnics in the living room. :)

Alicia said...

So sweet! I love the rules!

Liz Mays said...

I wanna be invited to your picnic!

Terra Heck said...

Cute rules! My kids always enjoyed having picnics and making up rules when they were little. Sure miss those days.

kewkew said...

What a fun idea. My girls are always wanting an outdoor picnic. I guess the next time I have to tell them it is too wet outside I can suggest an indoor picnic.
Interesting rule BTW. Mine would have scarfed the fruit.

Carrie with Children said...

This makes me smile so much! I love that we both posted picnic pictures this week!

Tricia Nightowlmama said...

how fun and those are the best kinda picnics too

Aleksandra Nearing said...

My daughter LOVES to set up picnics and "camps" - cute! Happy Wednesday!

LadyD Piano said...

Love picnics and your blog is so refreshing! I love the new look!

Anonymous said...

How fun!

Life Is A SandCastle said...

Picnic are fun anytime indoors or out. my boys love them.

Melinda-LookWhatMomFound...and Dad too! said...

it's been a while since we've had an indoor picnic; ya know with the dog and all LOL

Lisa Noel said...

i love doing indoor picnics. all the fun, none of the bugs :)

Cat Davis - Food Family Finds said...

That's cute. I love how the cat is getting in on it too.

MMAR said...

Super cute : )
Love the new header! I seriously need to re-do mine!!

Mamarazzi said...

soooo CUTE!!

popping in from FYL...sounds like a whole lot of fun, tho i may need a Twitorial...i am WAY Twitter Challenged (i keep telling people this hoping someone will help, but i may be a lost cause)@HolleeAnnCFG.

debi10kids said...

Maybe I'll plan an indoor picnic for my little ones and I tomorrow since it's raining...again.

XmasDolly said...

Thanks for stopping by, and love your memorable picture. Thanks for sharing because it brings back my own memories of my boys too! So he snuck the Doritos huh? Lil' Devil! My boys use to do that all the time too. lol

Leovi said...

A picnic fun.

Annie said...

Mimi I love your new header!! So fresh and pretty!

Indoor picnics are really the best. They are fun and no ants and no wind! LOL :)

hoLLy said...

first of all, i love your comment box caption...its nice to know i rock sometimes! LOL

second, that looks like one mean indoor picnic- we love to do that sometimes too! kids just love it when we do something different with em.

Manuela said...

This looks like a lot of fun! ;) Love curious cat, too. ;)

Manuela said...

This looks like a lot of fun! ;) Love curious cat, too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! What did kitty eat?

Allyson Bossie said...

I found you on the blog hop and subscribed via GFC as masugr. Hope you can stop by and return the favor.


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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.