Friday, October 21, 2011

Freschetta Breast Cancer Awareness Giveaway

I was sent two sets of pink headphones from Freschetta along with a coupon for a free pizza! I don't think there's a person alive who hasn't had their life touched in some way. Either we have family or friends who have been affected by this disease. When I received these headphones, my first thought was to give them to my daughter. I mean, they ARE pink, and that's her favorite color.

Then I began to realize, I need to give her more than just pink headphones. I need to give her education. Those headphones need to be a reminder to her that she needs to be aware of her breast health. She's 20 yrs old and now is the time to get into the habit of checking herself monthly. She needs to familiarize herself with her body.

Freschetta wants to share their Proud To Support Pink Program! Since October is National Breast Cancer awareness month, they've started this program! Through the rest of October when you purchase specially marked packages of Freschetta pizzas and Artisan Pizza Crusts you'll help them reach the goal of $50,000 that they'll be donating to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. They'll donate $1 to support breast cancer research up to $50,000.

Do you have a breast cancer story or one of someone you know? You can share them at the Freschetta site and they'll post them at and on their Facebook page! To top it off, they're giving away 50 pink iPod Shuffles every week in October. They'll also be donating 50 iPod Shuffles to four cancer centers around American to be enjoyed by breast cancer patients during treatments.

Now you have the chance to win what I received:

  • A coupon to try a Freschetta pizza, 12oz or larger
  • Two (2) pairs of Freschetta Proud To Support Pink earphones: 1 to keep, 1 to giveaway


  1. I'd share these with my sister
    msboatgal at

  2. Since they are pink, I'd share them with my DIL instead of my son. I don't think he'd appreciate the pink so much.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. I would share them with my mom!


  4. my sister!
    smartinez03 at live dot com

  5. I would share them with my Mom, who was diagnosed in June 2011. Just finished Chemo.... OR my sister, who is close and supporting her. (I don't think my mom has an Ipod)
    Thanks! Karen V

  6. I would give them to my godmother. Last week she had her third biopsy on the same breast she has already had cancer in twice. She is waiting to do a masectomy, and this would lift her spirits.

    pinkstarburst08 (at)

  7. I would share them with my best friend.

  8. I would share them with my best friend.

  9. I would share them with my niece

  10. I would share with my new sis in law.

  11. I'd share them with my sister, she has three boys all under the age of five and she needs to take care of herself so that she can live to see them give her grandchildren.

  12. I have three daughters so it will be a toss up who will get the headphone :) It may come down to who needs it the most.

  13. My 8 year old grand daughter would love to share them with me.

  14. I'd share them with my daughter (who always steals mine)
    rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

  15. I'd share them with my mom. tylerpants(at)

  16. I would give a pair to my niece.

  17. I have a tween and a young teen on my list that I already plan to give iTunes cards to--this would make a great addition to that gift!
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  18. Thank you so much for sharing the Proud to Support Pink program with your readers. Congratulations to the winner of the giveaway.



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