Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friends You Love Guest Post by Christy Gosset

I met Christy several months ago online. We ended up in the same social media spheres and it's been one of my favorite friendships. She cracks me up with talk about all things sparkly and she does a lot of skipping! I want to thank Christy for sharing a blog post that is originally from her blog. Here's a bit more about her:

Christy Gossett is the author and sparkle queen of Insanity is not an Option (http://www.insanityisnotanoption.com/).  Although she realizes that insanity IS an option, she chooses not to take that route!  She is the SAHM of 6 kids (yes SIX) from the ages of 22 all the way down to 2.  She has 4 children by birth, ages 22, 17, 4 and 2; and 2 by marriage, ages 13 and 11!  She is happily married to the love of her life (third time’s the charm, everyone needs practice) and living on an island.  She skips, twirls, sings a Happy Little Working Song, and calls the birds in her best little princess voice.  And she blogs, rants, reviews, and raves all in an attempt to retain her sanity!  Skip on over to the asylum to see how she’s doing!

Friends You Love

My parents were often right!   Most of the time actually!

My Dad always said, "you'll change your political views Christy!". He was right!

"Christy, respect you're Mom, she's always right".  He was right!

"Christy, life is not always roses?"  OMG...was he right on that one?!  

"Christy, you might not understand now, but things will come full circle and you'll 'get' it one day"....yes he was very right there!

He always said "Life will deal you lemons (I chose lemonade, thanks Mom)".  He never did!  But I've come to understand Mom is the cheerleader and Dad is the "let's keep it real" person!  Thanks Mom and Dad!  You need that balance!

But Dad wasn't always right (there is a God)!  He always said "stop putting so much stock in your friends, you won't remember their names in 5 years, let alone 20".  On this little piece of advice, he was so wrong, wrong, wrong!   I don't know if  I have the internet, or my phone, or technology in general to thank for this one, but Dad was wrong!   I am still friends with all/most of my high school friends, and I'm just thankful to have them in my life!

I "talk" to them!  I call them, I text them, I FB message them.  We are friends til the end!  How cool is that?

So with all of that said, I hope you'll watch the little picture show I put together and enjoy the awesomeness that I grew up with!

Thanks Dad for all of the life lessons but thank you for being wrong on this one!  Yes, I still know their names!

Yes, I know their kids' names!  I know where they work!  I know what they do on a daily basis!  I still love them as much as I did when you told me to stop "putting so much stock in them".  They are worth it Dad!  They really are!

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