Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Godiva Coffee Giveaway

Godiva Chocolatier Coffee My best friend came over earlier this month for a Saturday morning coffee taste testing. So fitting since this giveaway is part of the Friends You Love month! We settled in to try out Godiva Coffee for the first time!

I know she loves these cold weather coffees and she’d be the perfect person to try them with me. We started our morning with the Caramel Pecan Bark. I loved it. It was so smooth and the creamer I had only enhanced the flavor. LP had hers black and really liked it. She said it didn’t need anything added.Godiva CoffeeNext we tried the Pumpkin Spice. It had a very strong flavor and LP liked this one even more. Now, I am not a big fan of spices like nutmeg or cloves, which go perfectly with this type of coffee. Needless to say, it was a bit strong for me even with a creamer. But like I said, LP loved it!Godiva Coffee Godiva Coffee
Here’s what Godiva has to say about their coffee:
“Priced just under $10, Godiva Coffee is offering 12-oz. bags of ground coffee at grocery stores nationwide. They are pleased to introduce a variety of everyday favorites and seasonal blends that combine the quality of medium-roasted, 100 percent Arabica beans with flavors inspired by the Chocolatier’s most popular truffles. From everyday brews like Chocolate Truffle and Hazelnut Creme to fall flavors like Pumpkin Spice and wintery Peppermint Mocha, treating your friends to a delicious treat is effortless!”
I tell you what, I’m keeping my eye out for the Peppermint Mocha!
Here’s your opportunity to win a full size bag of Pumpkin Spice and Caramel Pecan Bark! Be sure to get the $2 off coupon for your next purchase!


Lauren said... 1

I love the feelin groovy charms!

apple blossom said... 2

Independence Day charms are nice

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Bruce Sallan said... 3

I want to have godiva coffee with YOU, Mimi!

cjabdelnour said... 4

I like
Item #854 - Touchdown! Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

bayctygrl said... 5

I like the It's a zoo charms

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

BethElderton said... 6

I like the sea life charms
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Judy said... 7

I like the Deck the Halls -item#781


Nancy said... 8

I like set # 212: Under the Sea!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

simplymerry said... 9

i like the sand and surf charms
mary michaud

Paula L. said... 10

I like the Mind, Body & Soul set :)
jandplee at att.net

Shari Lynn Alligood said... 11

Their Item # 1001
Fine Wine & Friends is my favorite :-)

LilyBiscuit said... 12

Item # 1002
On Vacation

Valerie C.

mallory_castille said... 13

Item #801 - Swarovski ™ Crystals by the Dozen

mallory_castille said... 14

Item #801 - Swarovski ™ Crystals by the Dozen is really cute

sarah shult said... 15

I like the Strike up the band charms sheshult@hotmail.com

JC said... 16

Snowman Crossing is pretty.

Penny Kathleen said... 17

My favorite set is Merry Christmas!

Elena said... 18

Sea Life charm


Wild N Mild $$$ said... 19

I like the Mind, Body & Soul set.

I would really like to try the pumpkin spice coffee.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

meredith m said... 20

i like the its a zoo charms
mermont84 at yahoo.com

Erin S said... 21

I like the Las Vegas Charms!

Tina said... 22

Snowman Crossing

Anita Yancey said... 23

My favorites are the Nature Themed Charms. I really like the butterflies.


In Julie's Opinion said... 24

I like the Halloween Party charms!!

Mama Chocolate said... 25

I like the sand fun set!

sabrina said... 26

cheers charms!
sabrinasmith05 at gmail dot com

Raingirl said... 27

I have to say I just adore the Girls Night Out...so cute

eclairre said... 28

I like the sea life charms

Sherry said... 29

I like the Item #750 - Halloween Party

Sherry said... 30

forgot my GFC - Sherry S.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

ckfrrt said... 31

I like the Thanksgiving Blessings the best
carolkfoster at comcast dot net

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.