Saturday, October 1, 2011

Totinos Box Tops For Education Giveaway #myblogspark

Totino_s_logo This school year, Totino’s® is giving away one million Bonus Box Tops (equivalent to $100,000) to help bring fun ideas to life both inside and outside of the classroom, through the "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes:
  • This school year, four participating schools in the Box Tops for Education (BTFE) program will each win 250,000 Bonus Box Tops, equivalent to $25,000, from Totino’s to help fund a fun project at their school. Visit to view official sweepstakes rules.
  • You can start, or continue, to earn cash for your kid’s school by collecting Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products, including Totino’s
  • This back-to-school season, Totino’s® Party Pizza® and Pizza Rolls® Snacks will feature double Box Tops on select varieties, to help you earn even more for your kid’s school! Please note that the first round for the Totino's Learn a Ton While School is Fun
    Sweepstakes will be ending Monday, October 3, 2011.
Ok, so let’s start off with a confession. In high school oooh so many years ago I could eat a whole Totino’s pepperoni pizza in one sitting. Yes, me, by myself.Totino's PizzaThat said, we move to my kids growing up and in comes Totino’s Pizza Rolls! My kids love them. They’re easy snacks to make and the pizza is perfect for the boys to make if I’m at work during dinner time. It’s the right size for them to share the whole thing!
Now, they have Pizza Stuffers! They didn’t have those in the stores when we checked a few weeks ago so I’ll have to make sure and check again. These would be the right size for me to take to work.Totinos PizzaAt the beginning of the school year I always try to stock up on all of the products that have extra Bonus Box Tops. I take the cutting of these very seriously. I’ve even involved the extended family. At the beginning of each school year, my boys can take a freezer size bag EACH to school with them. Pretty cool, I know!

The boys love board games so when we were sent the Brain Quest board game and mini Rubiks cube, they went a bit crazy! My 8yo ended up claiming the Rubiks cube since his older brother has a full size one already.Totinos Pizza RollsThe boys even loved the bag and took it with them hiking last weekend and before school started took it with them up to grandma & grandpas!
My boys have moved passed the hand held Brain Quest Game so this new board game was exactly for their level. And yes, I could answer the older kid questions! The boys and I had a lot of fun trying to answer the questions and fill up our discs!
Here’s what you’ll be winning if you are the winner:
One Totino’s "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" prize pack which includes a Brain Quest Smart! Game, Micro Rubik’s® Cube Key Holder and draw string backpack, and coupons for a free package of Totino’s Pizza Rolls Snacks, Totino’s Party Pizza and new Totino’s Pizza Stuffers.


  1. The elementary schools have a day long multi-cultural day every year. I'd use the box tops to bring in people to teach the kids songs, dances and culture of the country being featured.
    Thank you!

  2. I would like to see a skate park put in!
    ababe28 (at)

  3. I'd get buses for these kids to go on field trips. We took 3-4 trips per year when I was a kid. My son, who is in 9th grade this year, has been on ONE field trip - and it was to visit the city hall in our town. Not what I'd call a new experience!

  4. I would hope the school used them for the arts/music program that keeps getting cut. Or to improve the playground for all to use. Or to help cover the cost of the beach program that was cut from our summer program due to costs.

    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  5. I would love to fund the school library my daughter attends due to cutbacks the school library is only open a couple of hours a week and this is not fair to the kids so I would love to help with that

  6. I'd help get new equipment for whatever sports teams needed it
    msboatgal at

  7. At first I was thinking sporting goods then I saw someone wrote a skate park. I would love to see a skate park around here.

  8. I would put it towards my brothers library and the sports program!

    Christyn Mckenna

  9. I'd use them to get a new ball field for the students. It's in disarray and I think they'd have more fun if it were updated and usable. Thanks.

  10. I'd love for the kids to have new gym equipment, at the last open house I saw some of what they had, and it was pitiful. Kids should have a bunch of fun stuff to actively enjoy gym.

  11. I'd use the money to outfit the special ed. classrooms with the best materials and equipment. These kids deserve the best. Thanks/

  12. I would use them to help get more equipment for the playground.

  13. I would like the school to use it for the art programs...those just keep getting cut from!
    smartinez03 at live dot com

  14. something with the library, maybe new computers

  15. To help the after school care at our local elementary school

  16. I would want to buy music for the chorus and band!

  17. to the library for new books!

  18. I would use it to fun new basketball hoops and playground equpiment for our playground.

  19. Our middle school is in need of Sports equipment and Band equipment

  20. Our Elementry School could definately use some funding to upgrade some of their lighting... Gymnasium and hallways are dark.

  21. I would fund the new digital media lab in our school to get some great computers for the kids!
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  22. Because of budget cuts most of the music programming in our elementary school was cut. I would bring back the Music!!!!

    wolf0129 at

  23. This would be great for a new jungle gym set at my niece's school.

  24. I would get shade covers for the playscapes at our elementary school. It is often too hot to play outside on them. (100+ degrees)

  25. New computers for the classrooms.

  26. I would put it toward gym stuff.

  27. I would use them for a new playground
    safe and secure one.
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  28. I would use them for new gym equipment.

  29. More computers for each classroom.

  30. I would put it towards the library, the arts programs and some new computers.

  31. I'd love to see it go toward a new science lab in our small town school. trinitygsd at yahoo dot ocm

  32. I would use them for new playground equipment at our school.

  33. i would get new books for my kids school
    no more 'soviet union' thank you.
    that sounds fun to me

  34. New playground equipment.

    artyblue at gmail dot com

  35. we could use it to fund our library, it seem to get most of the cutbacks this year.

  36. A great new playground and reading garden.
    Thanks for the chance.

  37. I would let my son's school decide what they think is best. I think a smart board would be great in the class rooms!

  38. I would love to fund some equipment for special education.

  39. For my boys elementary school library and playground

  40. Would love to put it towards the music and arts programs at my daughter's school!
    b dot ringer at hotmail dot com

  41. I would fund a project to help teach science and history hands on.


  42. I would use it to help my daughers school buy new playground equipment!


  43. This would be great for an arts and exercise program!

  44. One of our local middle schools suffered major damage in April due to a tornado. They lost all band equipment and sports equipment. School board is still trying to figure out how to rebuild the school (students in trailers). So I would love to be able to help out with the band and sports equipment.

    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

  45. I would love to fun a good phonics program for the school so they would actually teach the kids to read and spell.

  46. Our school is trying to set up a gardening center for the kds and this would help us out alot! Thanks! ard1977@gmail dot com

  47. I'm not sure what I would use the money for, maybe some new books for the library and each classroom and maybe a nice garden area!


  48. update our school's lunchroom clallen at ntin dot net

  49. A major upgrade to my son's elementary school playground!

  50. playground for the elementary school,they have such a tiny one and hardly any kids can play on stuff

  51. I would fund the library program and get some really wonderful books to come in. Also have a person to advocate the importance of reading books everyday to children!

    Desiree Dunbar

  52. toward library books

  53. I would fund a trip to either DC or New York city for our school to field trip....

  54. I would get smartboards, computers and ipads for the teachers for sure thanks for the chance to win

  55. We live on the coast so I would fund a program where the kids can learn about the enviroment and the beach they live by!

  56. a language program and allow kids to get more free books from scholastic so that kids aren't left out who can't afford them.

  57. i would want to see our local school get a new playground and equipment :)

  58. I would fund the school my kids go to with their own lunch program, as of right now they have the lunch brought in from the high school. My kids hate it! =\
    ericka082 at gmail dot com

  59. I would give these to my granddaughter's early childhood education school. Being a non-profit, all of their playground equipment is gotten by fundraising. Totino's box tops are one that is going on right now.

  60. Scented markers

  61. i would use this to help the school near me get a new football field
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  62. Because of budgets the elementary school my kids go to doesn't have field trips except one to a local cabbage patch. I would fund field trips for the whole school. So they could go toa museum or the zoo or someplace else educational. wilcarvic

  63. Our elementary school needs new playground equipment. I would use it to help them get it.

  64. Our school could really use some new computers and books!! And possibly a new bus or least once a week my daughter is riding on a different bus because that one is broken down.

  65. I'd use it to fund a computer lab

  66. I'd use it for more books and supplies.

    frugalmommieof2 at


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!