Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ The Apple Orchard

…where there were no apples left on the trees, there were tons of people, but my kids were able to get pumpkins! It was also SO windy I couldn’t see much in front of my face because of all the hair!

Apple Jack Apple Orchard
Pumpkin Picking
Make sure to link up to these other Wordless Wednesday participants:By Word of Mouth Blogging
Home Grown Families
Carrie with Children


  1. Ok, I'm getting really jealous of everyone I see with their pumpkin patch and apple orchard pics. I haven't been to either yet this season!! Love these pics :)

  2. Those are some good size pumpkins. Does look a little chilly too. Thanks for sharing the great selection of shots from such a fun time. Can't believe there were no apples.

  3. I don't know of a good apple orchard around us? Looks like you guys had a blast! :)

  4. Girl, that's when you gotta wear a ponytail!

  5. How fun! We'll be taking our boys to the pumpkin patch this weekend.

  6. I need to find a pumpkin patch around here to take Alex too : ) Great pics Mimi!!

  7. Wonderful photos of your fall adventure together. I love seeing your pictures and your collages are great! Especially the brown border. How do u do that?!

  8. That is awesome! One of my favorite things about fall are the visits to the pumpkin patch. Are you going to carve the pumpkins? My husband painted our pumpkins with our 4 yo and 2yo. Much safer :)

  9. Haven't been pumpkin/apple picking since the kids were little, looks like y'all had fun.

  10. Can't wait to go to a pumpkin patch this weekend! I need some gourds! lol

  11. Beautiful pictures! ♡ Looks like you have really great time.


  12. we do the apple orchard EVERY year. It's one of our very best memories.

  13. Uh oh...doesn't sound like a great apple orchard. I do love honeycrisp apples tho!

  14. Oh I miss apple orchards.. I grew up in apple country and down here there are none. I miss fresh picked apples. My parents brought me a bushel when they came last week... GONE! Even my kids could tell the difference!

  15. I got some incredible pumpkins and squash (hmmm... squashes? LOL) the other day! Lots of variety!


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