Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Faith

Last week I got a wild hair and decided to paint my entryway. After I painted it I put up this saying “Faith makes things possible, not easy”. Boy that sure is true!
IMG_9519 During the day it doesn’t look so green, more blue believe it or not!
IMG_9517Make sure to check out these Wordless Wednesday participants also:


  1. I love your new header Mimi, and your entryway looks great!

  2. Great color! Just sagey enough to not be GREEN! Love it.

  3. I love it! I wish I could do things like that on our walls but for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to have the builder do textured walls.

  4. You did a fantastic job!! Love the colour contrast.

    Happy WW!

  5. Love it, Mimi! I love that all it takes is a mustard seed grain of faith and God will move mountains....

    The color is beautiful, it's so dramatic.

  6. Beautifully done! How did you do the lettering?

  7. Wow, that looks beautiful! And I LOVE the quote.

  8. I think your entryway looks very nice and I really like that saying.

  9. It looks beautiful, and I LOVE that saying, I'm writing it down.

    Hugs & love,

  10. That is beautiful!! I love the color you picked out and the quote is perfect. And so true. Faith makes it possible and NOT easy. I have so been there.

  11. Love the color!! It turned out great. I have green interior walls, too. There are days when I dream of painting my front door red!

  12. You couldn't have picked a more wonderful saying to put on your wall. :)

  13. I've got "This home was built on faith family and friends" on my wall, which has an amusing story that goes with, but will have to be saved for an email :) I also have "Live well, laugh often, love much"!

    I have several really wide door ways and I'm prone to cutting the patterns so they run horizontal across the top of the doorway.

  14. Such a pretty color! I have so many painting projects waiting for me-wanna come over? :)


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