Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Minnesota Zoo


The little boy on the left was so thrilled he snuck into the photo.

IMG_8861 IMG_8838

Here kitty kitty

IMG_8774And another kitty

IMG_8735Touching little sharks and sting rays

Make sure to follow these Wordless Wednesday participants as well:

Mommy Moment
Home Grown Families


Elly Filho said...

Love the zoo...
and how the heck do you keep your self so skinny??? you look very good :)

BusyWorkingMama said...

Yay zoo! We always love it!

Alicia said...

Isn't the zoo awesome! We used to have a membership,but unfortunately we don't anymore. We might have to renew that again! Looks like you had a great time!

Unknown said...

My family also loves zoos! Looks like ya'll had a great time, good memories made.

XmasDolly said...

Quality time I would say! Kitty???? Are you kiddin? lol

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

We didn't make it to the Zoo once this year! It used to be free but not anymore which makes it harder. Especially when it's an hour away.

Amy @ Kitchen and Kids said...

What great pictures. It looks like everyone had fun!

Andrea Kruse said...

I love taking the family to the zoo! So much to)see aoU explore8.fHdG >t)bassr rC prefy cute. pe dIvEntifier=

Unknown said...

The zoo rock!! My kids are into it, too!
My kids sneak into others photos all the time. Every single person at our church has a nice photo of the family with one of my kids in there, I bet. So does have of the East Coast! :)) So, I totally get the kid doing it. It's normal to me!

You look FAB by the way!! :)


Emily faliLV said...

Looks like you all had a blast!

alicia said...

Wish we had a zoo nearby. Looks like a fun day!

Felicia said...

I kept meaning to get to the zoo before it became cold. I think we missed out :(

kewkew said...

I love zoos, can't get there very often.
I really love the paw shot.

Liz Mays said...

Hard to believe how much strength is in that cute paw!

Anonymous said...

We love going to our zoo too.

Dee said...

That is one BIG kitty!!!

Annie said...

that looks like a super fun day! I Love it!

LadyD Piano said...

Awesome photos. Your compositions are great and colorful with good lighting. What a fun outing!

Crystal said...

Oh I love those Tiger shots!!

Amy said...

You got some great pictures! I'll bet the boys had a blast. My WW has our zoo trip too. :)

Tina´s PicStory said...

very nice :)

MMAR said...

Great pics!! I love the Kitty's : ) I need to take Alex to the zoo!!

Daenel T. said...

I've been dying to go to the zoo for the longest time and finally got to go this summer. Loved it. I hope you guys had as a good of a time as I did.

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun! And the little boy in the first picture is so cute. I love how he's got his eyes closed... maybe no one will see him?

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.