Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Women of Faith ~ After the Conference

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Women of Faith Imagine Conference at the Xcel Energy Center. I have been going to WOF conferences off an on for about 15 yrs. It's always fun to find out which speakers will be at the conferences I attend since it's different every time. I was also excited to find out who will be singing!

Let me just say, the music was spectacular. I always enjoy the Worship Teams. They really get us ready to worship and hear the speakers. This year Mary Mary and Natalie Grant were there to share their music with us. I can't begin to tell you how out of our seats they made us! We were seriously rocking the Xcel Energy Center! Yes, Christian women can get their groove on!
Sheila Walsh
We were blessed to have:

  • Dr. Henry Cloud
  • Sheila Walsh
  • Luci Swindoll
  • Nicole Johnson
  • Lisa Harper
  • John Branyan
  • Angie Smith
  • Natalie Grant
  • Mary Mary
  • Imagine Worship Team
Being in a Center full of women who are singing praises and having their hearts turned toward their Savior is one of the most amazing feelings we can experience. Each speaker touched my heart in a new way.

I spent my time tweeting during the conference because there was so much wonderful thoughts to share with all of my twitter friends. You'll find the Imagine Conference on Twitter using the #wofimagine hashtag. It was somewhat amusing when the conference attendees were asked if anyone used Twitter. I think about 10 of us "wooted".

For me the overriding theme was that I matter, each of us matters to our God. It's a hard concept for me to claim because having a hard time believing I matter here to earthly people can make it even harder to believe that I'd matter to the Creator of the universe.

One of my friends on Twitter @stevegutzler encouraged me to write down 3 things I want to focus on from the conference. Here are the 3 that stood out to me:

  1. Do I know God loves me passionately the way I am?
  2. God will take the broken pieces and make them beautiful ~ trash into treasure. All we can do is bring our pieces to Him.
  3. If I get lost out there, He will know where to find me. Say to myself, "Which girl does Jesus love? This girl."
I was happy to know Angie Smith was going to be speaking as I had read her story on her blog and knew her story somewhat. This is her first year with the Women of Faith tour. When she got up on that stage, she was so transparent in how hard it was to stand in front of all of us. I wanted to go up and just give her a reassuring hug. Of course I didn't because people would've thought I was nutty.

If you love comedy, John Branyan is THE guy to see. First time hearing his material and he had all of us in hysterics! This guy knows women and even with him making fun of how quirky we can be, we totally saw ourselves in his routine! Watch this video to get an idea of one of the spots he did.

Mary Graham, President of Women of Faith with me!
I love that at each Women of Faith event, World Vision is promoted and each person is able to impact the life of a child.This year they were really encouraging the ladies to find a boy to sponsor. If I weren't a single mom, I would absolutely do this as my boys would love having such a far reaching affect.

If you've ever considered attending a Women of Faith Conference, I would highly encourage you to get tickets for the next event in your area. This was the first year I've ever attended by myself. It was different, and I would suggest you go with a group of your girlfriends. While you're waiting for the next conference, make sure to follow them:

I'd like to thank Thomas Nelson for providing my ticket to this years Women of Faith Imagine Conference. I was not compensated in any other way. The opinions expressed are my own and are never influenced by the company.


  1. Sounds like a wonderfully uplifting time. My church has their Women's Retreat in January. I'm really hoping I can go again this year... I need the rejuvenation!

  2. I want to come next time Mimi. Could you dress me so I could sneak in?

    What wonderful moments! Isn't THIS what life is all about!!!!????

  3. What a beautiful experience for you! I'm so happy that you were able to attend, and so funny that you tweeted through it. :)


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