Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bobiam Streetwear Giveaway

Bobiam Logo This past Fall I’ve been finding some really awesome local companies that I’m excited to share with my readers! One local company is Bōbiam. Here’s an introduction to them via their website:

“Bōbiam is an Artistic and UVSmART streetwear company. We are unique in that we feature youth artists only, as young as 5yrs old.  Tremendously passionate leadership who are committed to the long-term success of the Bōbiam brand backs us. Our owner's started this business in their home, inspired by their 8yr old son's art creations.   The company is named after that very artist, who's nick name is Liam Bōbiam or just Bōbiam.  At Bōbiam, kids, charity and ideas trump profits.  We want to make a difference!”

How awesome is that? I’m thinking about having my boys who are 8 and 12 do some designs and send them in. Wouldn’t it be fun to see your kid’s design on someone’s clothing?

When I got my tube with my shirt in it, I was impressed immediately with the fact that my shipping label was written by hand. It wasn’t a computer generated label! So, it’s personal right from the get go.Bobiam LayoutIncluded with my new shirt was a Bōbiam stretchy bracelet. In fact, with sales of these bracelets, $4 from the $5 sale go to charity! WOW!

One of the first things I noticed about my new Bōbiam was how soft it was. I also loved the fact that as a woman’s shirt, it fits my shape. I find it so hard to find t-shirts that fit a female shape instead of being generically large all around, which I find highly unattractive. Just my opinion is all.

I put this shirt on, a medium, and it fit like a glove! It was really comfortable. I won’t go overboard, but I’d just like to say how well it fit. =) The arm length was probably my favorite part. I find it nearly impossible to find a long sleeve shirt that has sleeves that extend at least to my wrist, if not just a bit past. Sleeves that go up my forearm when I stretch is so irritating! For me, the length was perfect!

My shirt, only because pink isn’t my color, will be going to my oldest daughter for Christmas. She will absolutely fall in love with this shirt as she loves all things pink and it will fit her like a glove. Color me jealous! Here are the shirts I wish I had (hint hint for Christmas):

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Now’s the opportunity for you to win a $30 gift code to Bōbiam for your item of choice.
I was sent a Bōbiam shirt for review. The opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Linda Kish said... 1

I think I would get the blue cat tee

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Elena G said... 2

I would like to get the Ladies Pink Mooose Half Zip Hoodie.

sarah shult said... 3


mallory_castille said... 4

Ladies Bōbiam Tri-Blend Tee

Natalie said... 5

I can never find a shirt with long enough sleeves. I'll have to wait till payday, but I'm shopping there.

Natalie said... 6

I want the "No you Listen" thermal. :)

Jackie said... 7

I think I'd get the Ladies Rockapeller Create Peace Tee
Thank you!

Terra Heck said... 8

I'd get the Squid Onesie, red and white. Thanks.

Stacey L said... 9

I likethe mellatic ribbed Tee. I also like that they are uva smart

apple blossom said... 10

like the moose half hoodie for ladies.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

In Julie's Opinion said... 11

I would get the Ladies Rockapeller Create Peace Tee!!

Babes Mami said... 12

maybe the screaming monkey kids longsleeve!
smartinez03 at live dot com

Valerie Ledesma said... 13

i would get the moose half zip hoodie

Yummy Boy Mummy said... 14

I like the pink half zip hoodie for myself or the dreamer dude thermal shirt for my hubby.

Kathy said... 15

I like the "No you listen" thermal shirt.

A GAL NEEDS... said... 16

I really like the Story Inside Out Teeshirt for Ladies!
Very cool company!
daisydoo200 at yahoo dotcom

Heather Avery said... 17

I like the Silver Scooter Boyfriend 2fer. I would love to get this for my daughter. I know she would like this line of clothing. Its totally her style :D

Theresa said... 18

I would get the Rockapeller Create Peace Shirt

Tammy said... 19

I would love to get the Silver Scooter Boyfriend 2fer. I hate my upper arms so I prefer 3/4 length Tees and I like the look of a shirt under a shirt.
Have a very Merry Christmas!! :)

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.