Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Replica Toy Fish Giveaway

My boys love fishing. I think if you’re born in Minnesota, it’s a gene that’s given to you at birth. When I heard about Replica Toy Fish I knew that my boys would totally dig their products.

We were sent a fantastic selection of fish for my boys to play with and study. Trust me, the study part was more intense than the playing. There’s something about knowing exactly what a fish looks like that makes a boy happy.Replica Toy FishWhen my boys get a fish on the line, their first question is, “What kind of fish is it?” Then there’s always the big debate on what it actually is until they pull it onto the boat and can see close-up!Replica Toy Fish 2The detail in design and coloring is fabulous. They’re well made and are Phthalate Free!
What I love about Replica Toy Fish is that you can get fish from all over the United States like: Midwest Tackle Box, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, South Dakota, Virginia, West Virginia.Replica Toy Fish 3 Also you may select 5 of any one of the available species of your choosing.

They also have Party Packs which would be fantastic for a goodie bags! The pictures on the website let you know what fish come in each pack so there’s no trying to guess what the kids might be getting!I talked with the boys and we’re going to share some of the awesome fish we received with their cousins as Christmas presents. My youngest is 8 and his cousin, who is also 8 loves fishing about as much as my boys. He also loves to collect animal figures.IMG_9910
Now it’s your chance to win your choice of:

1 State Tackle Box
3 Large Size Replicas

*I received the product for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own and are never influenced by the company.


  1. I would get the Midwest Tackle Box

    Christyn M

  2. I think I would choose the 6 Big Fish $15.

  3. I would select 5 of any one of the available species of my choosing. I would choose the 3 " size: Channel Catfish, Bluegill, Yellow Perch, Crappie, and Largemouth Bass.

    Thank you,

    Christine Womack

  4. Ow wow I love em my house needs those lol everyone would adore the fish, they would be getting a good home lol :) thanks! & take care happy holidays & good luck to all

  5. I would choose the Midwest tackle box

  6. I would choose the Midwest Tackle Box.

  7. We are fish obsessed here! Even if they don't have our state of Alaska, we would love any fishes! Nice blog!

  8. The Virginia box!

    patricia dot mariani dot esq at gmail dot com

  9. I would get the Midwest set. My boys would love this.

  10. I would choose the Midwest Tackle Box.

    The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia
    ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
    Twitter: The_Happy_Wife

  11. I'm from RI and they don't have our state, but my son would love the South Dakota Catch set. He's just learning to fish and loves "fishies".

    hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com

  12. The midwest tackle box-these are so cool!!!

    pjames330 at aol dot com

  13. I'd like the Midwest Tackle Box for my teenage son. Thanks.

  14. I would choose the midwest tackle box.

  15. I would choose the Midwest box. I am a little sad they didn't have a Texas box! I think I'm going to write them and tell them they need to! We fish a LOT here in Texas! Luv ya, Mimi! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  16. I would pick the Midwest Tackle Box.



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