Friday, January 13, 2012

International Delight Surprise #cbias

One of the reasons I’ve continued to blog is the other bloggers I’ve met in the different blogging groups and on different sites. I know there are stories of bloggers treating each other not so sweetly, but I tell you what, I’ve got a great group of ladies who love supporting and encouraging each other.

Johanna from Mama Chocolate did a post about International Delight's Iced Coffee. I hadn’t seen these before and personally love iced coffee, especially if it’s with crushed ice! YUM! So I read her post and told her I was going to go searching for it when I went shopping next.

IMG_0436 IMG_0437 A couple days ago, I came home from work to find that my son had brought in a box that had been delivered during the day. I went to the refrigerator (because he’d already busted into it). Guess what was there?! Three 1/2 gallons of International Delight Iced Coffees!!IMG_0438I was so extremely excited! It was so unexpected and so wonderful!

It’s so sweet to know someone thought of me. I mean, Johanna could’ve picked anyone from the Social Fabric website that she had this opportunity with, and she chose me.

I would like to thank Johanna for blessing me with my International Delight Iced Coffee. You made this chick very happy!


  1. I love this post! I feel so blessed to be a part of this group too and I didn't even know about this little sneakiness! :)

  2. I <3 you Mimi!
    Just thought you could use a little extra java in your life these days. ;-)

  3. I was so excited to get some in the mail by surprise,too, that I also blogged about it!

    We are blessed with a wonderful group of friends!


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