Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Pinteresting Week

I have really been enjoying Pinterest! Have you all started playing there yet? I am not a crafter or a designer so I'll probably never do a single thing from the site, but there are some great ideas and beautiful photos. I'm going to try ("try" being the operative word here) and share a few of my pins and repins from the week every Saturday. I'm not making it a link yet, but if I get enough interest, we could all link up together.

Are you on Pinterest? If so, leave me a link to your Pinterest boards. Here's mine: If you're not on Pinterest and would like an invite, let me know and I'll get you connected.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Shortbread Bars

Photo day with the kids

Super Bowl Game Day Ideas

I'm Not Arguing Quote

Why don't you share a link to your favorite post this week!


Mama Chocolate said... 1

Love that photo idea with the kids! I looooove pinterest. So addictive though...very dangerous. ;-)

KristinFilut said... 2

I have been getting so many great wedding ideas on Pinterest, and I love the hair and make-up tutorials I have been finding!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 3

Isn't this like the internet version of a phone app? I hear it's very addicting... thus far, I have not taken the plunge... I am too busy with my phone :-)

Adelina Priddis said... 4

I love pinterest!!

Crystal said... 5

Isn't pinterest amazing? Thanks for the ideas!


A Busy Mom of Two said... 6

What a great idea. I am just getting started on Pinterest, but love it already.

Unknown said... 7

i love pinterest too. There are so many projects that give me inspiration but I'm sure I'll never get to even a tiny percent of them

Unknown said... 8

I'm really starting to dig pinterest...ahhh yes, yet another addiction! I'm following along with your boards now! I love the kid photo idea!

Kristin Marriott said... 9

When my week gets too Pinteresting, nothing else gets done ;)
And I'm adding that quote to my pin boards; I'm pretty certain I may have said that to my husband last week lol

Liz Mays said... 10

I'm gonna go follow you on there now. But I'm so careful to hop on an dhop off with a time limit. I could waste the day away on there!

apple blossom said... 11

I'm still trying to figure out how to get around in pinterest

how do I follow you?

Bruce Sallan said... 12

Mimi, do I have to? Do I have to learn another SoMe platform? I don't have any more hours in the day as it is?!

Will you teach me if the answer is "Yes" - it's the learning part that is hard for this Ol' Guy...maybe too many falls skiing - especially the past few trips! Oy.

See you at #DadChat tomorrow, I hope?

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.