Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Pinteresting Week

When I first started playing with Pinterest, I didn’t give it a heck of a lot of thought. I pinned a couple of things and that was about it. Well, the past couple of months I’ve been pinning and re-pinning quite a bit. =) I’ve found it can be very addicting.

How about for you? When you started on Pinterest did you realize it was going to grab so much of your attention? LOL

How great would this be coming in from the garage?



I love how playgrounds are designed these days! The company, Landscape Structures, Inc., that designs these playgrounds is local!


For real, I want these Dr. Marten's! Femininely rugged!


This quote is at the bottom of all my emails.


  1. What a cool playground! I too love Pinterest. I don't even bookmark things anymore, I just pin them :)

  2. AWESOME playgrounds!!
    As far as Pinterest, I KNOW I need to get into it, but I dont want something else to be addicted to. lol

  3. How did you get that photo of our playground? lol...
    We had a tire.

    When you next come to L.A., will you give me Pineterestnig tutorial? I like how you've changed its spelling. I hate learning these new things -- much prefer someone holding my hand?!

  4. This is why I've stayed away... someone just sent me an invite... was it I can't remember!

  5. I like too the way in which playgrounds are designed these days!
    Really nice and beautiful.
    Grocery Coupon Mama

  6. I remember when Doc Marten's were THE thing to wear when my daughter was in middle school. I finally found some for a decent price and then she grew out of them in no time. lol, except minus the lol.

  7. I love the organizer as you would come in from the garage. Nice, color, too. Our playground in the backyard isn't as fancy, unfortunately. :-) Pininterest--everyone keeps writing how addictive it is...I'm trying to stay away! LOL! x


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