Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wordless Wedcnesday: Basketball and K-Cups

Buddy had a great game last week! He made a basket and a free throw. That’s big in his book! It was his team’s first win and he was so happy to have contributed to the points.

I’ve bribed him the last couple of years. For every shot he makes, he gets a candy bar and for every two fouls he gets a candy bar! I got this idea from Smooch’s friend’s mom who would bribe her daughter with those massive pickles you get at basketball games. Candy speaks more to my kids! =)

two points 

AND…how much does my mom love me? We just got our Christmas presents this week and here’s what I got… 80 k-cups!!



  1. That's a great way to get him motivated but I won't bribe with food lol

    However feel free to bribe me with coffee anyday! Nice K cup collection!

  2. Sounds like Buddy had a great game! Congrats!

    I don't drink coffee, but that looks like a pretty sweet haul!

    ♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

  3. Congrats to Buddy!! I don't own a Keurig but own a Tassimo and received a bunch of coffee for it for Christmas. Was very pleased!

  4. Yay for coffee - your mom must love you a ton :)

  5. That is exciting that your son contributed to the win, what a proud moment!! And yay for the K-cups!!

  6. Love that you bribe him to make fouls! I say, whatever works. I'm guessing that he's not earning a ton of candy bars every game. *wink
    Have a great Wednesday!

  7. Yay!! Good for him!! I wish I had a Keurig : )

    BTW... I did like shooting the gun! There is a long story behind it and I think I will write a post about it!!

  8. Well Mimi, in light of our Gender WAR at #DadChat tomorrow, I might as well admit what I was thinking when I saw the title of this blog...

    K-Cup? OMG!

  9. Stopping by from FF&P!

    My mom always bribed me with chocolate-and I'm not ashamed to admit that it worked-every. single. time.

    While I can still be bribed with chocolate, I can also be bribed with coffee! That is one GREAT present from your mommy :)

  10. That is an awesome bribe. I work for food too. LOL.

  11. I want a Keurig so bad!!! Great game :) My 13yo's coach bribes them with candy. Love it.


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