Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: We Are Family

It was so nice to have both of my girls home from college last week. We finally celebrated Christmas together as a family. I was so blessed to have all 4 kids under one roof again, if only for a few hours.


  1. Aww, that's so sweet. I'll be in your boat soon. My oldest will be 17 soon! :( Beautiful children...

  2. How awesome is that? Beautiful family!

    Happy Wednesday, Mimi!

  3. That's so nice they were all home. Beautiful!

  4. You have a beautiful family! Glad both of your girls could be home.

  5. yes..I know what you mean..I think they are happy to be home too! i am your newest follower..pls, with 2 kids still home for break..pls follow back if you can!

  6. What a beautiful picture... My first one is 16 & I can't imagine him not in my house :(

  7. Your children are lovely. Glad you got to spend Christmas with them. My daughter will be attending college a couple of hours away next fall so it will be interesting to see how things pan out for the holidays.

  8. Beautiful family!!! Such a blessing to all be together!

  9. That is so great :) I hope the kids appreciated it as well!

  10. I bet the boys loved it too! We have one out of the house (married and military) and one about to go (military), and I cherish every single time they are all under our roof again together. :)

    I'm glad your girls came home and you had a wonderful time.

  11. Yay! Glad you got the whole family together. Happy Wednesday!

  12. Such a beautiful family you have there. So glad that they were all home at once for you to share Christmas together. There's nothing better than family!

  13. I am so happy for you! I remember that feeling well when our older daughters came home from college!


  14. Such a beautiful family! I am glad you got them all at home!

  15. You KNOW I understand this! :) So happy for you!

  16. Oh man, I'm gonna miss when my kids aren't all in my nest! I'm glad you all got to spend time together.


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